Linda - Interview 15

Age at interview: 52
Brief Outline:
In 2007 Linda's son, Kevin, was murdered. He was 27 years old. He was stabbed and died 5 hours later. It was a terrific shock to all the family. Linda misses Kevin tremendously but her spiritual beliefs have helped her cope with her grief.
Linda works to prevent misuse of drugs. She is married and has 4 children (1 died). Ethnic background/nationality: White British.
More about me...
In 2007 Linda’s son, Kevin, was murdered. He was 27 years old. He was stabbed by his sister’s ex-boyfriend because he told the ex-boyfriend to leave his sister alone. Kevin was taken to hospital but died five hours later, because the knife had punctured his heart. Kevin’s death was a tremendous shock.
Members of the family and Kevin’s girl friend were allowed to see him in the hospital mortuary. At that stage Kevin was treated as “police property” and there were two autopsies. Linda found this very difficult; the fact that the police were in control of her son’s body.
There was an inquest that was opened and closed. The verdict was “death with a single stab wound to the heart”. The family could then go ahead with the funeral. It was a humanist funeral, which was held at the crematorium. Some of Kevin’s ashes were scattered on local Downs. The family put a bench in one of the local parks in memory of Kevin. Linda also asked an artist to spray paint her hallway with aspects of Kevin’s life and a picture of his face. She has also planted a rose bush in his memory.
Linda still misses Kevin very much. Her spiritual beliefs have helped her and she takes solace in meditation. She believes that she will meet Kevin again one day and that he is in a “better place”. Other members of the family have had some bereavement counselling. Linda decided she did not need counselling, mainly because of her belief system.
At first Linda felt guilty if she did not think about her son all the time, but now she realises that she cannot always think of him. If she thought about Kevin constantly she would not get through the day. Linda also says that it is important to remember the good times they all had with Kevin.
The trial was a year after Kevin died, in September 2008. Linda found the court case “horrific”. There were two people on trial, one for murder and one for accessory to murder. Their families sat close to Linda and her family in the public gallery, which was awful. The case went on for two and a half weeks. The jury decided that the killer, who had taken steroids and cannabis, had committed murder. It was a unanimous decision. The other man was acquitted. The judge read the impact statements made by Linda and by Kevin’s girl friend and sentenced the murderer to sixteen and a half years in jail.
Linda believes that it is important to have a focus for the next year. She has chosen to climb Kilimanjaro to collect money for the hospital where Kevin died. She finds that training for the climb has helped her cope.
Linda has forgiven her son’s murderer. She says that she can not live the rest of her life hating him. However, she says that the rest of the family cannot forgive him.
Linda was interviewed in 2008.
Linda's son, Kevin, was stabbed to death by his sister's ex-boyfriend. Linda heard what had had happened when Kevin's work mate phoned her almost immediately after the murder took place.
Linda's son, Kevin, was stabbed to death by his sister's ex-boyfriend. Linda heard what had had happened when Kevin's work mate phoned her almost immediately after the murder took place.
Yes it was September 2007, my eldest son, who was 27 was at his workplace, there’d been a disagreement with my youngest daughter and her boyfriend that she hadn’t been with for a couple of weeks. She wanted some stuff out of his house. He was being very rude and wasn’t going to let her have it so she did what I think most young sisters do, she called on her brother for help, with absolutely disastrous effects because basically the ex-boyfriend went to my son’s place of work all ready with a knife in his pocket that was ready to use. In my eyes he had full intention to do what he did and he went there and that’s exactly what he did. And a small disagreement ensued. My son was trying to tell him to just leave my daughter alone and give her a break. You know, if it was the constant texting and phone calls that were going on that he’d get her a new sim card...
…and then that would be the end of it. But the person just lunged at him basically, stabbed him straight through the heart.
How awful.
He didn’t realise himself that he’d been stabbed at first. He was running round at work but within minutes he’d collapsed.
And an ambulance was called and he taken to our local general hospital. He put up a terrific fight. They resuscitated him ten times, but he was a very fit person.
But not meant to be. And he died five hours later.
I’m so sorry.
How did you first hear about it?
I’d heard first thing in the morning. Funnily enough, when my daughter had come in and she’d, she’d run to me on a Saturday and said, “Mum, you know, my ex is on his way to Kevin’s workplace”. I then rang him and he said he was fine and not to worry and nothing was going to happen and that if he did turn up he would talk him out of it…
…and, you know, try and soothe things out and that’s where it went from there. So I rang him. He said everything was okay. I think I’ve just repeated that, haven’t I? And put the phone down. And then literally two minutes later the mobile rang again and Kevin’s name come up and I thought everything was fine and it was his workmate and he’d said that Kevin had in those minutes just been stabbed.
And I rushed down there with my daughter, it took us about, because it was a Saturday morning, it took us a good 15, 20 minutes to get down there. The ambulances were there. Kevin was already in the ambulance. They wouldn’t let us in. They didn’t give us any information. All we could do was follow the ambulance to the hospital, which we did. I super-glued my bumper to their bumper …
…so that I didn’t miss them through any lights or roundabouts and made our way to the hospital where we had to wait in the family room while we were given, you know, various progress points that started off, not very good odds. And the odds didn’t change. And went worse and worse and worse until eventually he couldn’t be saved and he died.
Linda invited a newspaper and a magazine to write about her son, Kevin, and about his death; she was collecting money for the hospital and she wanted the publicity.
Linda invited a newspaper and a magazine to write about her son, Kevin, and about his death; she was collecting money for the hospital and she wanted the publicity.
One thing we haven’t discussed at all is the press. Did the newspapers …?
Well we went the other way round it, because I was collecting for, for this trust fund for Kevin, and it was important for me to contact the press so I did it the other way around and I invited one particular newspaper, local newspaper to do the story which of course they leapt at. But the agreement was is they had to put the piece up about our campaign, “Climbing for Positive Change”. So I did that. And I also did it with a magazine as well.
Although it was more focused on my daughter and the tragedy between the, the, the, the brother and the sister link. But any donations that come from that will go to his charity.
Did you get a chance to write what you wanted?
Yes. Yes we, we were I mean some of it was glamorised a little bit. There were, there were a couple of things, especially in the magazine that you know was there for full effect; that I didn’t say or didn’t do. But you kind of know that they sensationalise things. And it was a way that viewers will, you know, send cheques to the hospital for a good cause.
I mean, that’s the reason that I did it. But I suppose any other way I’m not quite sure, I suppose that’s what your family liaison officer’s for.
Would be to shield you and when you come out of court you can go the back way if you’ve got press out the front. And you, you do get, you, you get inundated; you get letters coming to you.
Linda was allowed to see Kevin after a post-mortem, and was upset that she wasn't allowed to touch him. She felt that he had become police property.
Linda was allowed to see Kevin after a post-mortem, and was upset that she wasn't allowed to touch him. She felt that he had become police property.
Did they take you into the ward, then, just to be with him?
No, no. We didn’t see him again then. From then he became police property which was even harder to take on. We weren’t allowed to see him. We weren’t allowed to go anywhere near him until they’d done an autopsy on him.
Couldn’t you even just be with him a little bit?
No. And even then all we were allowed to see him a full 24 hours later after the autopsy, we weren’t allowed to touch him. And so we had two police officers with us in the room when we went to see him at the hospital. So there was no privacy, you had strangers with you.
Everybody was very kind. I just think the hardest bit to deal with was that he, he wasn’t allowed to be my son any more. That, that was, I think if it had been a road traffic accident you wouldn’t have had the police… although I suppose to a certain extent you might of because if it was somebody’s fault…it, it might have been the same way, I’m not sure. But it was pretty horrific.
Really, trying to…
Not being able to hug him and, hm…
Not, being told at first we couldn’t touch him. And in the end they said that we could kiss him but we weren’t allowed to pick him up. But my youngest daughter did actually manage to do that and by lifting his head and shoulders up of course… she saw the, the stitches and, and sort of became quite hysterical after that. But it was, it was very difficult because it was so final.
You know, to having been told he died to actually seeing him and seeing it for yourself was, was very, very difficult.
Linda said that there is no template on death; people have to find their own way forward, whether through religion, a higher belief, the family, counselling, self-help groups, the internet or books.
Linda said that there is no template on death; people have to find their own way forward, whether through religion, a higher belief, the family, counselling, self-help groups, the internet or books.
I’d just like to say that there is no template on, on death, on sudden death, on death of a child, that you’ve just got to find your own way forward and if I’ve helped in any way with an alternative way of getting through then, then it’s worth doing this interview.
And I just think you have to find your own place. If you’re religious you have to go to your church. If you’ve got close family and friends support network you go to them. If you’ve got a higher belief like I have you go more into them.
And you just heal your own way, in whatever way that you feel that you can. But nothing’s easy and you do feel, I wouldn’t say that I feel like a limb has been wrenched from me, but I feel like a quarter of my body is missing. It’s almost like when you have an amputation and you can still feel the leg. I still feel that I will forever put Kevin’s name in cards. I can’t ever see myself just putting my husband, myself and three children. In fact I’ve done it since he’s died and we just put stars. Round his name.
And, and I think I’ll always do that and he’ll always be included. And I think you just have to do this. Some people want counselling, some people will find self-helps groups, the Internet, books and I think you just have to find your own way. And I suppose the good thing about what you’re doing here is you’re giving people the choice, you’re giving them options, maybe things they haven’t thought about, you know, as ways to deal with it.