Angela - Interview 11

Age at interview: 44
Brief Outline:
Angela lost a cousin and a friend during 2008. Her cousin was killed with a machete and her friend was stabbed. These deaths have been very painful for Angela. Her faith in God has helped her. She gains strength by working for Mothers against Violence.
Angela is a Community Development Worker. She is single and has 3 children.
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In January 2008 Angela’s cousin was killed. Her cousin lived in Jamaica. A man attacked her cousin with a machete. The case has not yet come to court. Angela was shocked and devastated. She finds it very painful to think about the way her cousin died. Angela was very sad that she could not attend the funeral.
Later in 2008 Angela also lost a good friend due to a traumatic death. Before her death her friend had campaigned against violence and against gun crime. She was a wonderful, warm, open, honest person. Sadly she was stabbed by her grandson, who had a mental health problem. Angela felt distraught when she heard about another violent death. She went to see her friend in the funeral parlour, but regretted that decision. She attended the funeral. The church was packed and the surrounding streets were full of mourners too.
Angela has kept going mainly due to her strong faith in God. She also has good friends and she enjoys her work with Mothers against Violence.
Angela was interviewed in November 2008.