Feeding a baby while living with HIV
Profiles - HIV diagnosed aged under 25

Sasha is White British and works for a public sector health organisation. She is engaged to her partner, and has two older children and an 8-month-old baby.

Kay describes her ethnicity as White Other and is currently single. She is studying for a masters degree and is pregnant for the first time.

Camille is of Black African heritage and works as a nurse. She is in a relationship, and has a 16-year-old child and a nine month old baby.

Christine is Black African and is in full time employment. She has a partner and a five-year-old son and is pregnant with her second child.

Marcy is Black African and works as a support worker. She is single and has three children, aged 5 and 4 years old and one month old baby.

Sandra is White Eastern European and is married with a two month old baby.

Fatima describes her ethnicity as Asian. She is married and has two children, a 3-year-old child and a 3-week-old baby.

Swelihle is Black African and has a partner and two children, a two-year-old child and a five-month-old baby.

Tina is White British and is married with twin babies aged seven and a half months old.

Layla is Black British African and is married with two children, a 3-year-old and an 11 month old baby.

Amina is British Asian and works in further education. She is married and pregnant with her first baby.

Marella is Black British African and works as a Dramatherapist. She is married, has a two-year-old child, and is currently pregnant. She was born with HIV.

Eriife is Black African and lives with her husband and two children, a two-year-old and 14-week-old baby.

Nozipho is Black African and came to the UK from Southern Africa when she was 17 years old. She is engaged and has an 11-month-old baby.

Maya is Black Caribbean, and she and her partner have an 11-month-old baby.

Rachel is of Black African descent works as a care worker. She has a 5-month-old baby.