Feeding a baby while living with HIV
Profiles - HIV diagnosed aged 37+
![](/uploads/media/.thumbnails/Lana HIVBF_250x600.png)
Lana is married with a two-year-old child and is currently pregnant. She is a registered nurse and health researcher.
![](/uploads/media/.thumbnails/Emily HIVBF_250x600.png)
Emily migrated to the UK to study for a Masters degree, and has three children. The older two, aged 15 and 9 years, are in a West African country, and her 5-month-old baby is with her.
![](/uploads/media/.thumbnails/Emma HIV BF_250x600.png)
Emma is White British and in a relationship. She has two children, aged 22 years old, and a six-month-old baby, and is currently pregnant.
![](/uploads/media/.thumbnails/Alaina Pursue_250x600.png)
Stephanie has a partner and a six-month-old baby.
![](/uploads/media/.thumbnails/April HIV BF_250x600.png)
April is Black African and has three children, aged 17 and 7 years old, and a 4-month-old baby.
![](/uploads/media/.thumbnails/Sinead HIV BF_250x600.png)
Sinead is White Scottish. She is married, and has a four-year-old child and a nine month-old baby.