Researchers' experiences of patient & public involvement

Resources and Information

Funded by the National Institute for Health Research to support patient and public involvement in research

NIHR INVOLVE’s benefits helpline service to advise individuals and organisations about accepting payments for involvement when in receipt of welfare benefits 

The Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Unit at the University of Edinburgh can offer advice to researchers in Scotland on patient and public involvement.

People in Research – a national online resource where individuals can look for involvement opportunities and researchers can advertise requests for people to get involved.  Local equivalents may also be available

The NIHR Clinical Research Network provides infrastructure to support research in the NHS and has resources on involvement (mainly directed towards patients and the public): 

Medical Research Council resources on PPI 

Macmillan Cancer Support offers Building Research Partnerships training courses open to both patients and researchers. 

James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnerships

Nuffield Council on Bioethics - Children and clinical research: ethical issues

A Researcher’s Guide to Patient and Public InvolvementA guide based on the experiences of health and medical researchers, patients and members of the public

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