Organ donation
Suman Prinjha

Is an anthropologist and obtained her PhD in 1999 from the London School of Economics. She has been a Senior Researcher for Health Experiences Research Group since 2001 and has conducted over 300 qualitative interviews across the UK on various health topics.
Advisory Panel
Deepak Mahtani
Interview participant
Dr Jennie Jewitt-Harris
Freelance Consultant; Founder and chairman of Transplant Links Community (TLC)
Jessie Cooper
PhD Student, University of Liverpool
Professor Kathy Rowan
Director, ICNARC
Neil O’Byrne
Development Manager, Transplant Support Network
Paula Aubrey
Organ donation specialist nurse, NHSBT
Pauline Weaver
Trustee, Donor Family Network
Professor Sue Ziebland
Research Director and Chair
Dr. Rachel Miller
HTO Steering Group member
Mr. Roberto A. S. Cacciola
Consultant Transplant Surgeon, Royal London Hospital
Vanessa Eade
Admin assistant
Wallee Mc Donnell
Interview participant
We would like to thank Paulette Pratt (health writer) who helped us with recruitment, and all the participants and health professionals who helped us with this research. We would also like to thank Teressa Tymkewycz (specialist nurse) for providing the medical information clips for this section.
Supported by:
ICNARC - Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre