Michelle ' Interview 21

Michelle and her husband were given a 3% chance of getting pregnant naturally. After an unsuccessful IVF with ICSI treatment, they conceived naturally.
Michelle is an insurance manager and lives with her husband (Brian - Interview 22_. Ethnic background' White British.
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Michelle and her husband started trying for a baby as soon as they were married. When nothing happened during the first year, they started to get worried. Investigations at the GP, the local NHS hospital and finally a private clinic revealed that her husband had a poor sperm count and the couple had a 3% chance of getting pregnant. Doctors advised IVF with ICSI, and they went through one unsuccessful cycle. They tried to pursue treatment privately and on the NHS, and while waiting for investigations at their local NHS hospital, they discovered they had conceived naturally. Michelle was eight months pregnant at the time of the interview.
Michelle heard her sister-in-law only took 3 months to conceive, and she described how anxious she was as she waited for a year before going to the GP.
Michelle heard her sister-in-law only took 3 months to conceive, and she described how anxious she was as she waited for a year before going to the GP.
Michelle found it embarrassing to see her GP with concerns about conceiving.
Michelle found it embarrassing to see her GP with concerns about conceiving.
Michelle and her husband had the money to pay for one round of ICSI privately and were devastated when it didn't work. She describes the highs and lows of her ICSI cycle.
Michelle and her husband had the money to pay for one round of ICSI privately and were devastated when it didn't work. She describes the highs and lows of her ICSI cycle.
So it was very hard. And then we just sort of laid in the bed and cuddled each other but you don’t know, you don’t know what to do, what to talk about to each other, it’s not like oh well shall we go shopping [laugh]. Oh well what do we do now? Very hard. Felt very empty. We used to go to, we ate for comfort so go somewhere nice for lunch and as soon as we walk in, see a high chair. I go, ‘I’m not staying, I’m not staying’ [laugh]. Let’s go somewhere else. So...
How long did that numbness last?
I think it was about May when we found out I was pregnant.
So a year?
Yeah. I didn’t know even when we got our letter from [hospital] to say we’d been approved for the treatment. It’s an automatic thing. You just cry. I said, I don’t know if I can face it. I don’t know if I can go through it again. You feel as if you put all your energy into picking yourself back up. I don’t know if I can. If I pick myself up again to face it. So now we’ve been so lucky you know our luck has changed. I don’t know if I could have kept going on and on. When you read all these people on different websites and they’ve six times, now it’s seven times. You think, ‘Oh where does their money come from’. So how are you strong enough to keep doing it and being knocked back again. Don’t think I could have.