The environment in which immunisations are given and the timing of clinics can affect parent's...
The environment in which immunisations are given and the timing of clinics can affect parent's...
Well, I think that a trainee doctor, who's setting up their own surgery, this is not only for immunisations but for anything, it's very worthwhile to think about what their waiting room is like. Because if you've got a waiting room that's got no toys in whatsoever, children get very irritable. And also if they can make their immunisation clinics at a time that's suitable for mothers. I mean to make it half past two to half past three in the afternoon, I think because in the general world, people don't have so many children, so it could be that the person, child that they're immunising is their only child or that their other child is, there's a big gap. But with the Orthodox Jewish community, some people have a child like every eighteen months. And so when they're taking their child to be immunised, they could easily have a child in nursery as well that has to be picked up at half past three. So a doctor needs to think about their immunisation clinic times, what the waiting area is like, and make sure they have enough immunisations for that clinic. Someone shouldn't have to go there and then find they haven't got the immunisation available.