Interview 22

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Her son had no reaction to the MMR vaccine.
Her son had no reaction to the MMR vaccine.
Talk to the community paediatrician if you have concerns.
Talk to the community paediatrician if you have concerns.
Talking about their concerns to a health professional can sometimes help parents to make their mind up about immunisations.
Talking about their concerns to a health professional can sometimes help parents to make their mind up about immunisations.
So, the other concern is, is at the moment I've found a lot of parents are quite wary about giving the six-in-one or the five-in-one and then the meningitis C with it. And I felt often it just takes quite a lot of reassurance. Some of them don't necessarily seem to be aware that we actually are giving the same vaccines that they were before. It's just in a different form. And it's 'oh isn't that a lot to be giving at the same time?' It's like well we have been doing that for years and just explaining that. Often it just needs a few minutes of time and, and just addressing their concerns and making sure they've got the correct information which often they don't. And sometimes that's all it needs, not always but often if they do have a chat with myself or the health visitor or with the immunisations nurse you know often it will correct their misconceptions and there are quite a lot out there unfortunately. I've found that. There are a lot of people who just, particularly from the media, have, have just picked up what they want to hear and ignored the rest and that's then [pause] made them choose what may not necessarily be the right thing.
Believed the risk of the diseases and complications of the disease to be a greater risk than the...
Believed the risk of the diseases and complications of the disease to be a greater risk than the...
So for me side effects weren't really an issue that I had a problem with, not compared with the actual illnesses that we are protecting against.
From my point of view I consider both the primary vaccines and the MMR vaccines to be safe. And the illnesses that are being vaccinated against are serious. They can have significant long-term implications if a child does catch one of these diseases and the risk of the vaccines and side effects of the vaccines is far, far less than the risk of the illnesses themselves. So from my point of view I would say go ahead and vaccinate and if you've got any questions make sure you talk to the right people to get the correct information before making your decision really. That's how I feel about it and I've been happy to give my son all his vaccines and he's been absolutely fine.
In her work as a community paediatrician, she has seen children with some of these diseases.
In her work as a community paediatrician, she has seen children with some of these diseases.
I understand a lot of parents feel, okay let everyone else immunise I don't want to. That's often a, you know, if most of the population are immunised fine I'll be the one who doesn't. But if everyone has that attitude then you're not going to get uptake levels high enough to actually give herd immunity. And okay if a few don't it's not going to make a major impact but enough people, if enough people decide not to for that reason that will leave it to everyone else then you're still going to get these diseases occurring and your not going to be able to keep the levels down. And for example you're then putting very young babies at risk who haven't got to the stage where they should be immunised yet.