Interview 16

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She was reassured when her health visitor told her that the symptoms of autism tend to appear around the same age that MMR is given.
She was reassured when her health visitor told her that the symptoms of autism tend to appear around the same age that MMR is given.
I'm not too worried, I think there's so little to suggest that it's linked to the autism question that, that I just think I'll just go ahead and have my fingers crossed. I spoke to my health visitor about it extensively again and she's been really great for information. And she was saying as well, you know, with hindsight a lot of the parents that have reported autism following the MMR, with hindsight they have actually, there have been aspects of their child's behaviour before that, that could have pointed to it. And of course it's to do with the timing and, you know, the symptoms of autism appear just after, round about or round about the time that the MMR is given. It just seems to be a coincidence. So I think we, we've just decided to bite the bullet and have it done because then he'll be immunised against these diseases.
Possible reactions to the vaccine worried her but her son had been fine after all three sets of immunisations.
Possible reactions to the vaccine worried her but her son had been fine after all three sets of immunisations.
Well, when [my son] was born I was just sent the, the regular letters out that the local doctors, the health centre send. And I think at that stage I just accepted that that's what had to happen. I didn't, I hadn't heard about anything untoward about the tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough jabs or the polio so we just went ahead with them. The only thing I was concerned about as a new mum was would there be a reaction, because obviously everything was absolutely new to me and I just didn't know, you know, well, no other previous chance to find out if he might be allergic to anything in the injections or anything like that. But actually he was absolutely fine after them. The first one he was fine, the second one he was slightly feverish, and the third one he was fine again, third set. So it was just a question of we got the letter and we turned up and we, we had him immunised.