Interview 13
Brief Outline: For all immunisations' Followed recommendations of health professionals. After her daughter had a reaction to the MMR vaccine, she talked to her health visitor to make a decision about her youngest son's immunisations.
Background: At time of interview' cohabiting four children, aged 10 years (daughter), 8 years (daughter), 6 years (daughter), 4 years (son). Parent's occupation' Mother- Full time Mum, Father - Painter/Decorator. Ethnic background' White-British.
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She would have liked the health visitor to take her concerns about possible reactions to MMR...
She would have liked the health visitor to take her concerns about possible reactions to MMR...
She was concerned that swelling which had occurred in her daughter's arm after MMR, might happen...
She was concerned that swelling which had occurred in her daughter's arm after MMR, might happen...
And so when my little boy needed his doing two years later, I was very reluctant to have it done and I expressed my concerns to the health visitor. But she wasn't very, I don't know, she didn't really take much notice. She just said, 'Oh well, it's something that happens, he'll be fine'. And he had the injection and it was disastrous because he ended up in hospital for three days and his arm swelled up, across his chest, his shoulder, down his hand, his hands, fingers, it was just huge. He was on IV antibiotics, plastic surgeons were involved, they didn't know whether it were infection. They were going to operate so that was a nasty time. So my views on it now have changed a lot.