Electroconvulsive Treatment (ECT)
Profiles - Age at interview 50-59

Alka works for the civil service, lives with her husband and describes her ethnic background as Indian.
Catherine Z

Catherine Z is a teacher and lives with her husband. She has 2 grown-up children and describes her ethnic background as White British.
David Y

David is 52, lives with his partner and has children. He is a full time carer and describes his ethnic background as White British.

Jenny is a retired consultant and is married with four children. She describes her ethnic background as Anglo-Irish.

Kathleen currently lives with her parents in the UK, has two children and is separated from her husband. She describes her ethnic background as White British.
Lorraine and Annie

Lorraine, age 52, works as a cleaner and lives by herself but close to their mother. Annie (Lorraine’s sister), age 50, works as a nursery supervisor, is married and has two children. She also lives close by. They described their ethnic background as White British.
Sue and Ian

Sue and Ian are married and both aged 50, have one child and describe their ethnic background as White British.

Sunil is a Consultant, lives with his wife and describes his ethnic background as Indian.