Interview 04

Age at interview: 68
Brief Outline:

Has attended for routine breast screening since age 50. Results have been normal. (Interview translated from Cantonese.)


Retired from catering business. Married with 3 adult children.

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An interpreter arranges her mammograms for her and explains the procedure to her. (Translated...

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An interpreter arranges her mammograms for her and explains the procedure to her. (Translated...


The first time I went for the check up is about eighteen years ago when I was 50 years old. I went to there, it was organised by a Chinese Association, so it's a group of Chinese women. They booked an appointment and they brought us there and then they've got an interpreter there. So its quite easy for me.

It sounds very good?

Yes and then after three, every years - after that every three years I went to the same place. 

And there's always someone there to translate?

Yes each time they arrange an interpreter there and also we, three women went there altogether. Every time it's the same.

All three women go together, so if one has a problem with language the other one can help is that'?

I think they need to arrange the interpreter so it is better to arrange three women going altogether you know, won't waste any money or so on. All the people is women, even the nurse and the doctor always women, no men there. It's a hospital but it's arranged for the Chinese Association in Chinatown. 

So you had nothing to worry about but did you have any questions, because you could ask them in Cantonese, did you have any questions either the first time or later? 

No I didn't have any worry or any questions, I just, you know they arranged everything, explained everything to me and I just followed them. 

She wants to continue having routine mammograms but has received no information for several years. (Translated from Cantonese)

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She wants to continue having routine mammograms but has received no information for several years. (Translated from Cantonese)


My only problem is that last year I asked [a friend who speaks English] to book an appointment for me but the hospital did not answer me, they say because I'm, I'm over the age so I don't need to go back. But I would like to go back to check up. I'm under 70. I don't know if I can still have these check-ups after 70 years old, I want to know but haven't heard anything since my last check-up four or five years ago. Really my concern is I want to have the check up, another check up, but don't know if I book with them or if I am entitled or if I need to go see my GP, ask the GP.