Interview 32

Diagnosed with breast cancer late in 2007. He had a mastectomy early in 2008, followed by radiotherapy, multiple courses of chemotherapy, and Herceptin.
Interview 32 is a retired rubber process worker. He is married and has 2 surviving adult children and a daughter who died in her early 30s.
More about me...
In late 2007 Interview 32 found a lump whilst he was washing, then got ready to go out and forgot about it until he was having another shower. He looked in the mirror and noticed that the nipple was inverted so the following day he went to the doctor who referred him to hospital and his cancer was diagnosed. He had a mastectomy in January 2008, followed by radiotherapy and two or three different courses of chemotherapy, and Herceptin. In early 2011 when he was interviewed he had developed small red lumps over this chest and towards his back which his doctor had described as ‘breast cancer in the skin’.
Interview 32 became very tired and down as his chemotherapy progressed. They adjusted his dose down and decided not to give him the last dose.
Interview 32 became very tired and down as his chemotherapy progressed. They adjusted his dose down and decided not to give him the last dose.
The first, as I said the first chemo I was on, it wasn’t as strong as the… the first one I was on, if I got a bit tired I’d go to bed and have a bit, go to bed, you know, I might get up at seven and go to bed at ten and have two or three hours rest, get up I could do the garden, but the other ones, no, I was always tired. I couldn’t, I could start but I’d have to leave everything there and then for the day and so... And of course the next one again was stronger again, this last one, I feel a lot tireder now. I’m alright now I’ve had a, came in, had a bit of a lie down, sort of thing, so I’m alright now. When I - I’m alright when I’m sitting’ down or that.