Eric - Interview 05

More about me...
One day Eric noticed that his nipple was flat, not sticking up, then a week later that it was inverted. His wife said he should go to the doctor the next day. He was referred for further checks which revealed that he had cancer. He was quickly admitted for surgery. He agreed to have photographs taken during his treatment that could be used for training.
Eric found it tiring to travel to the hospital and to wait whilst they ran tests and prepared the treatments.
Eric found it tiring to travel to the hospital and to wait whilst they ran tests and prepared the treatments.
That must have been very tiring, going backwards and forwards.
The hospital wrote to Eric to ask if he would like free sessions of aromatherapy about two years after he finished his chemotherapy.
The hospital wrote to Eric to ask if he would like free sessions of aromatherapy about two years after he finished his chemotherapy.
So throughout all of this, the surgery, the chemo and the radiotherapy, it was just your wife that you were really getting support from?
Eric had felt alone with no one to go to. He found it very worthwhile to meet and talk to another man with breast cancer.
Eric had felt alone with no one to go to. He found it very worthwhile to meet and talk to another man with breast cancer.
But I say, the thing that did annoy me was feeling alone. I mean, 40-odd thousand women, they’ve got support groups. Who do I go to? Nobody. You sit and ponder yourself.
When Eric tried to raise awareness that men could get breast cancer, men didn't seem to want to know. Their lack of interest made him feel very alone. Women showed more interest.
When Eric tried to raise awareness that men could get breast cancer, men didn't seem to want to know. Their lack of interest made him feel very alone. Women showed more interest.
When you were… first got your diagnosis, who did you tell?
Eric feels self-conscious about his scar and wouldn't want to walk around with nothing on. It stops him going swimming, although he thinks he might go in the future.
Eric feels self-conscious about his scar and wouldn't want to walk around with nothing on. It stops him going swimming, although he thinks he might go in the future.
And… in Fiji, I mean, it’s nice and warm and there are nice pools. I wouldn’t take me shirt, I don’t take me shirt off anyway, being fair-skinned, I get burnt very easily. But I wouldn’t go in the pool. My wife swims now, although she’s a bit older than I am, she swims twice a week. She said “oh, come with me, good exercise.” I’m like this, “I don’t know whether I want to go”. Sometimes I want to go swimming, but I don’t want to walk about with nothing on. I’m self-conscious about it. I’ll have to finish, I think we shall have to make a go, cos I go to the gym now once a week. My wife comes to the gym and she goes swimming twice a week, and she says “oh, come swimming with me, that’s the best exercise out.” But I haven’t got round to it yet. Yes, I am self-conscious about it.