Interview OV33
Age at interview: 57
Age at diagnosis: 56
Brief Outline: Ovarian cancer diagnosed in 2003 following shoulder pain, abdominal bloating, cough, and pain on eating. Treated by surgical removal of ovaries and womb followed by chemotherapy.
Background: Artist, divorced, one adult child.
More about me...
Thinks that stress may have triggered her cancer.
Thinks that stress may have triggered her cancer.
I believe that stress is a major cause of disease in general, but talking, thinking about my case in particular yes I've had a lot of stress following the break up of my marriage and subsequent divorce and general stresses that one has in life, but it was a very stressful period of time and last year a very close good friend had a heart attack and died one night. It was an enormous shock and I took it very badly, and I do think that, while it didn't cause my cancer, the cancer was waiting for something like that to happen, and it happened and it's just said 'whoopee chaps, we've got her, another one'.
Had a bowel blockage cleared using an enema.
Had a bowel blockage cleared using an enema.
The pain was quite horrible, they gave me something for the pain and it didn't have any effect, then I had to have an x-ray, is it an x-ray or a scan? Well I don't remember much about the day because the stuff they were giving me, that was all a bit of a blur as well, and but they kept me in for a couple of nights because I had a blockage and I was supposed to pass it and I had all this purge stuff which didn't work, they couldn't believe it, and finally had a couple of enemas and somehow we got rid of the blockage.
Updated her will and planned her funeral after getting the diagnosis.
Updated her will and planned her funeral after getting the diagnosis.
Describes a form of visualisation she used to help her deal with her cancer.
Describes a form of visualisation she used to help her deal with her cancer.
I did that a few times and then I found I was getting into, so I did that a few times and then I noticed that when I was jumping across this chasm every morning it was filling in, you know, like sand does, it was just, there were lips growing out of it and a little bit more every morning. And at first sight I didn't notice it and then one day I thought 'oh, it's going to form a bridge', and now it's a thick bridge, it is a really big bridge when I do it now, and I still jump across though. And I go through the forest, on occasions it's been a jungle and there've been flowers or animals and things but that's, that varies from day to day, and I really don't know why, it just, go with it.
Had a network of friends and family who came and looked after her after her operation.
Had a network of friends and family who came and looked after her after her operation.
And I had a friend who came down, one of my oldest girlfriends from, who lives in Cumbria, she came down for a week, the first week, after the first weekend, for that first week and she just took over, basically said to my daughter and my sister 'look, I'm here for a week, you know, you'll be needed when I'm gone, I can only give you a week, but let me do everything', and she did.
And since then my other sister, the one who flew back from Rome, she's just been my most incredible solid support. She's just unflinchingly, whatever I've needed, and she's done it, she hasn't said 'Can I?, Do you want me to?' Or 'what should I?' She's just done it. I mean more lately as I've become more well and everything, it's, you know, 'Shall we?' or you know, she'll find it hard to know what to do with herself I should think after all this, but anyway.