Interview OV27
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Describes getting used to wearing a wig.
Describes getting used to wearing a wig.
And I'd grown my hair a bit longer so that it more or less matched my wig. My wig was just a bit of a different colour, it had sort of like red highlights in it, so I think most people just thought I'd had a colour put on it. But, you know, I was quite happy to wear it. Although I did find in the winter I needed to wear a hat more because the wind seemed to sort of cut through it and it definitely isn't as warm as having your natural hair.
Guessed her diagnosis was serious from what the ultrasonographer said, and her urgency to give the results to the GP.
Guessed her diagnosis was serious from what the ultrasonographer said, and her urgency to give the results to the GP.
A week after having seen the female GP I had an ultrasound scan. My appointment time was 5 o'clock in the evening. Both my husband and my mum had offered to come with me and I'd said "Oh no I'll be fine because I have to go back to the GP for the results." And I'd already made that appointment to see the GP the following Tuesday, which was six days later.
Had the ultrasound and as she was doing it I just got this impression that things weren't going quite as well. She kept sort of going back over areas and things. Anyway she finished her examination and said, asked me when I was going to see my GP. I said "Oh six days time," she said "Well I think it would be a good idea if you see him before the weekend." So I said "Fine." And then she said "Well actually can I have his number because I'm going to speak to him now," this was quarter to 6 in the evening. So I said "So it's not a fibroid then?" and she said "No all I can tell you is that we've found a mass about the size of a grapefruit," and words to the effect of "even if it's something nasty we're very good at keeping people alive these days," which sort of sent alarm bells ringing.
The GP said he would see us the following morning after morning surgery, and I must say it felt quite a long night that night, didn't sleep very much. I think partly it was because the ultrasonographer couldn't legally tell us what was wrong so, you know, it has to be done by a doctor. And obviously at the back of our minds was 'well is he going to tell us in the morning that I've got cancer?' But it was the not knowing that was worse.
Cut the rest of her hair off when it started falling out after chemotherapy.
Cut the rest of her hair off when it started falling out after chemotherapy.
One can plan one's life around chemotherapy treatments because the body reacts similarly after each treatment.
One can plan one's life around chemotherapy treatments because the body reacts similarly after each treatment.
I mean that's the good thing, if you like, about cancer and the treatment of chemotherapy is that everything has a time limit. You know exactly when you're having your treatment, you know you might feel poorly for three or four days afterwards but you know after that you'll feel fine, so you can plan your life to work round it. The same as avoiding busy places when your blood count is low, you know, don't go shopping on a Saturday afternoon, but you can go at a quieter time.
Advises doctors that insensitive things said can have lasting effects on patients.
Advises doctors that insensitive things said can have lasting effects on patients.
And I could quite accept that, you know, there was no guarantee that I was going to be cured, and I had been told that by the Macmillan nurse, but she'd done it in such a way that it wasn't resounding round my head at 3 o'clock in the morning. So I think, you know, the bedside manner could be a little bit kinder.