Interview OV10

More about me...
Her body's reaction to chemotherapy followed a pattern.
Her body's reaction to chemotherapy followed a pattern.
Waited until her husband had driven her home from hospital before telling him she had cancer.
Waited until her husband had driven her home from hospital before telling him she had cancer.
So when the Oncologist came he was extremely nice, he explained what they'd found, 'this cancer' he said, but he said 'I'd like to give you chemotherapy'.
So I, pretty numb really, my husband was waiting for me so he said, he said 'what, you know, what was the problem?' I said 'oh well we'll get home first'. So we drove home, so we had a cup of tea and we sat where we are now and I said 'there's good news and there's bad news'. So I told him the bad news which it was cancer, I said 'the good news is they've caught it, there's no problem but they're going to give me chemotherapy to be on the safe side'.
Got Ovacome's newsletter but didn't want to read the stories of women who hadn't survived, preferring positive information.
Got Ovacome's newsletter but didn't want to read the stories of women who hadn't survived, preferring positive information.
You mentioned to me earlier that you had the Ovacome newsletter. How did you find out about them?
That was in the hospital, the cancer section, there's a little section in there for people to wander in and you ask, you know, you say what your problem is and they point you into 'well perhaps you'd like to read this'. And I didn't subscribe to it I didn't, I don't have it every month or anything, I just collected it at the hospital and they would say 'well if you bring it back next time you come'. So I just read about various, people's various way they'd been diagnosed, how they'd been treated, but I didn't feel I needed to have it every week. Every month rather. So I just read it when I was at the hospital.
Did you find that helpful?
Bit frightening really because I was reading of people, that was talking of people that had died and, you know, had had it two or three years, and so I found it, you know, I didn't really want to go down that road, I wanted the positive things, which I found that I could do that myself. I didn't really want to know about people that hadn't survived, so yeah I was a bit cowardly that way.