Mental health: ethnic minority experiences
Profiles - Aged 50 - 59
Judy - Interview 05

Unemployed, married with no children. Ethnic background/nationality: Black-Caribbean (born in Jamaica); in UK for 9 years.
Edward - Interview 10

Shelf stacker in retail, divorced with 1 adult child. Ethnic background/nationality: White Welsh Australian (born in Australia, Welsh father).
Lorenz - Interview 11

Social care assistant, married with adult children. Ethnic background/nationality: Black Afro-Caribbean (born in West Indies) in UK for 41 years.
Raj - Interview 19

Retired mechanical engineer, married with 4 adult children. Ethnic background/nationality: British-Indian (born in India); in UK for 42 years.
Nelsy - Interview 21

Former teacher, now describes herself as a "natural community builder", married with 1 adult and 1 teenage child. Ethnic background/nationality: Latin American (born in Colombia); in UK for 19 years.