Mental health: ethnic minority carers’ experiences


Lead Researcher - Jorun Rugkåsa

Was a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Westminster, Jorun is a social anthropologist with a long standing interest in research on health inequalities.

Recruiter - Faran-Ebi Pumude

Faran-Ebi was a consultant to the project and recruited participants.

Researcher - Eddie Yu

Eddie recruited and interviewed Chinese participants, translated recruitment materials and data, and helped with the Chinese recordings.

Researcher - Ghazala Mir

Ghazala, a Senior Research Fellow in the Centre for Health and Social Care, University of Leeds and Director of the Ethnicity Training Network, helped with recruitment and interviews in Punjabi.

Researcher - Naina Patel

Naina is a freelance social researcher and she conducted interviews in Gujarati.

Researcher - Rubina Rahman

Rubina conducted interviews in Bengali. She specialises in minority ethnic health, and has held research posts at Bart's & the London Queen Mary School of Medicine & Dentistry and the School of Education, University of Birmingham.

Advisory Panel

Amarjeet Rebolo
Andrew Herxheimer
Co-founder of DIPEx
Caroline Howard
Lecturer, Mental Health Nursing, City University; Co-founder Chinese Mental Health Association (CMHA)
Damien Ridge
Advisory Panel Chair & Principal Researcher on the Mental Health: Ethnic Minority Carers' Experiences project; Reader, School of Integrated Health, University of Westminster
David Robertson
Project Officer, BME Men and Mental Health, Men's Health Forum
Faran-Ebi Pumude
Consultant to DIPEx Research Group; Former Co-ordinator of National BME Mental Health Carers Project, HASCAS; former manager of Therapeutic Services
Frank Keating
Senior Lecturer, Social Work, Department of Health & Social Care, Royal Holloway, University of London
Hannah Bradby
Co-director, Institute of Health, University of Warwick
Hilary Lavender
Julie Jaye Charles
Service User; Chief Executive, Equalities National Council of Disabled People and Carers from BME Communities
Krysia Canvin
Senior Qualitative Researcher, Health Experiences Research Group, Department of Primary Health Care, University of Oxford.
Kwame McKenzie
Senior Lecturer in Transcultural Psychiatry, Royal Free and University College London; Professor of Mental Health and Society, University of Central Lancashire
Louise Locock
Senior Qualitative Researcher, Health Experiences Research Group, Department of Primary Health Care, University of Oxford.
Marcel Vige
Diverse Minds Manager, Mind; Chair, BME Mental Health Network
Michael Clark
Research Manager, Care Services Improvement Partnership (CSIP)
Nita Devabhai
Carer; Carers Development Officer, Afiya Trust
Patricia Chambers
Service User; User Involvement Consultant
Sachdev Singh Seyan
Senior Community Development Worker (Race Equality), Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust


We are grateful to the Advisory Panel members who provided support and advice throughout the project.

​Thanks to individuals Mary McMahon (MMMa Consultancy), Mohammed Lais (QuantQual), Refat Taj (Touchstone) for help with recruitment; Steve Attmore (Simpatico Roleplay Agency) for arranging the actors.

Thanks to organisations National Black Carers' and Carers' Workers Network (Afiya Trust); Touchstone Support Centre, Leeds; Savera Resource Centre, Leicester; Cause, Belfast; HASCAS, London; Therapeutic Services, Manchester; MIND; Rethink; the Chinese Mental Health Association.

Very special thanks to all the people who generously donated their time and stories, without whom this research would not have been possible.

Supported by:
Department of Health
Hulme University Fund, Oxford

Grant holders:
Sue Ziebland
Ann McPherson