Interview LC41

Age at interview: 57
Age at diagnosis: 57
Brief Outline: Diagnosed with small cell lung cancer in October 2002, followed by chemotherapy, then radiotherapy to the lung, and radiotherapy to the head to prevent spread to the brain.
Background: Furniture retail manager (retired), married, 1 child.
More about me...
Describes what it was like to have a brain scan.
Describes what it was like to have a brain scan.
How did they do that?
Well again it was exactly the same as the CT scan I had. It was instead of being a CT scan for the lungs it was a CT scan for the head. So you just laid on this table and the thing went back into the doughnut, not the tube, so you're not enclosed, light and airy, you just lay there and I looked up and I saw a red light going across like that, and the nurse said "Right when you're ready we'll take the pictures," and I said "Is it alright to keep my eyes open?" she said "Yes, it won't do any harm," and the red light went bum, bum, job done. No pain, no anything.
In fact it was more of a nuisance queuing outside to get into the actual you know queuing in the waiting room, that's more of a nuisance because you sit there for half an hour, the actual scan took about a minute or thirty seconds even.
When he first told family members about his diagnosis they were tearful, but now they are calmer.
When he first told family members about his diagnosis they were tearful, but now they are calmer.
At first they were the ones that were all in tears and I said, "I don't want no tears". Then I was told by one of the nurses "That's out of order Dave, I know the way you feel but you should allow them to cry because that's the way they feel. Let them go over that first bit first and then try and explain how you feel exactly." So I did that and then gradually it's come round to like now my daughter would've cried every day right, if I said, "I'm not going to die," she'd say "Oh don't' use the word die," and start crying you know.
Where as now I say to her "I've booked up my holiday and I couldn't get such and such a date," and she will now say to me "Well stop moaning, thinking yourself you're having a holiday, you're not supposed to be here," because the fear has all gone out of it, and I think the fear has gone out of it because I've kept up my end so much; ignore it, laugh at it, you know that's the way I've been now that everybody is now seeing things my way.
You know my wife will say, "As far as I can see there's no killing you, you know, whether you want it or not there's no killing you', and my cousin has been up and visited me and brought his son with him you know and his other son couldn't make it but said he'd get up as soon as possible and then I spoke to him and said "Look you know I know what you're saying you want to get here as soon as possible because if anything happens." He said "Yeah." I said "You've known me long enough you trust me, if anything is going to happen I'll phone you, then get here, don't rush your backside off for no reason." So he hasn't done so and I'm very happy about that.
Some people cross the road to avoid him because they don't know what to say.
Some people cross the road to avoid him because they don't know what to say.
Recalls the medication he was given to control his nausea.
Recalls the medication he was given to control his nausea.
The next few chemos I only took the odd one now and again and fared very well. The last two chemos on purpose I didn't take a single tablet and that was the only time, I was never sick but I felt nausea and I just said to myself, 'You will not be sick, ignore it, you will not be sick ignore it, you will be not be sick ignore it'. And when I felt nauseous which may have been for three hours a day for about ten days it wasn't too nice a feeling. But that was my own choice, did I want the tablets which were bad for me or did I want the nausea, I chose to have the nausea. And I chose to ignore it in terms of being sick, it wasn't quite so easy, you can't ignore feeling sick, you just feel sick all the time, that was awful. But I chose to have that instead of the tablets.
If he were to need nursing care he would like to have a bed in hospital.
If he were to need nursing care he would like to have a bed in hospital.
No, I don't think any of us do. But you did actually consider it a little bit because you were thinking about your wife?
Well I had to because you know it's rather like when I said get my house in order it's no good blindly going on saying I'm not going to die and then leaving everybody in a turmoil and a mess. So what I felt I had to do from a logical point of view was put everything in order so that everything was in order should I die and then put that to one side and say I've done the sensible logical thing now let's get on with living because I'm not going to die anyway. But just to please everybody else I've done the sensible thing. And I think it was, it was to please everybody else is my way of saying it but it was to care for and look after other people as well. To make sure for example that Margaret didn't have to look after me and lift me up and down and watch me fall over and be ill and be sick and all that, I wouldn't wish it upon her, I wouldn't wish it upon myself, I certainly wouldn't wish it upon anybody else. I probably truth known wouldn't have even wished it on the nurses but I did say to the doctor, not in a nasty way, that they had chosen that for a profession, so I was happier with them dealing with it and they had to put up with the anguish, I didn't see why my wife would have to because if she'd have been able to be strong enough to put up with that she maybe would've been a nurse. That's the way I looked at it, whether it was right or wrong.
David Perry reads one of his poems.
David Perry reads one of his poems.
Yes, I don't know if it's my favourite actually it was the first one I wrote and the reason I wrote it is because as I've said to you before the doctors had said that I might not be here for Christmas and I said I would, and not only that I would but that I was going to get wrecked, I was going to have a really good drink. So this poem is called, 'I'll have a drink at Christmas' and it was obviously written before the Christmas period because I knew what was going to happen to me up to Christmas so here goes'
I have a small cell cancer, I call it 'Canc' for short,
Oh! By the way at Christmas, I'll have a drop of Port.
The cancer's quite a nasty thing, though I swear I feel just dandy,
And anyhow at Christmas, I'll have a tot or two of Brandy.
The nurses are all working hard, manning Cancer Watch.
Ere I'll tell you what at Christmas I could have a drop of Scotch.
When I go to hospital, they drip the chemo in,
They'd never guess at Christmas, that I'll have a slug of Gin.
"Excuse me nurse", I'm heard to say, are those tablets mine?
Oh! Never mind at Christmas I'll enjoy a glass of Wine.
I had an off day yesterday, was feeling rather queer,
But I'll cheer up for Christmas, 'cos then I'll have a Beer.
My friends say I'm a thinker but I think this poem proves,
I'm really just a drinker, thinking out the drinking moves!
The chemo's started working, the Cancer's growth is slow,
Hang on! It's now reversing, well done to that chemo!
It's shrinking down, it's now so small, it's really made me think,
That perhaps this year at Christmas I'll deserve a bloody drink!
You see old 'canc' you've had your chips, your reign is at an end
And I can see the winning post it's just around the bend!
Your light of life is failing, it's really lost its glow,
So I'll have me another drink, 'I've beat you, don't you know'.
Thank you.
Thank you
Explains how the support group can help patients and their partners.
Explains how the support group can help patients and their partners.
Suggests that people write down their feelings and that this will help them feel better.
Suggests that people write down their feelings and that this will help them feel better.
That's a useful message.
And I've, to be honest with you I've written about twenty poems about cancer and one or two of them are bordering on semi serious but the most of them are just really taking the mick to be honest.