Interview LC35

Diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer in June 2000, followed by right lobectomy (lobes of right lung removed).
Wages/bonus clerk (retired), married, 2 children.
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If in future she suffers uncontrollable pain she would like her family to help her to die.
If in future she suffers uncontrollable pain she would like her family to help her to die.
And one thing which does really worry me is the pain, not suffering to get better, but suffering if, you know, if I come to [a] stage where they can't do anything for me. And I have asked my children and my husband to put me out of my misery, because I don't want to suffer, and I'm sure if they think enough about me, they'll not let me suffer. Because I wouldn't let any of mine suffer. And I don't think it's necessary. Because if doctors know that you've come to state of no return, then all you're doing is suffering, then I honestly think they should give you a needle.
Have you ever brought this up with any doctors or nurses?
No. I have with me family, me family know how I feel. And I think it's because I've a cancer, you know, because I watched me sister die with cancer, and it's alright people saying they can control it. Through my experience of it, I haven't seen where they can fully control it. So nobody's convinced me yet. And if my, I come to stage because my cancer comes back or whatever, I don't want to live. There's no point, because you're putting your family through agony as well, just watching you day by day, and I wouldn't want it.
How have the family reacted to all this?
They haven't, actually, they've just listened to me. They've never commented yes or no, but I would hope that something has sunk in. And I do feel that they wouldn't want me to suffer, I know that, and I know that my children wouldn't. And I know that they couldn't sit there and watch me suffer. They'd have to do something.
Is that your main worry, or fear?
That's my main worry about cancer. I just hope that it never happens, but you never know what's going to happen, do you? But let's face it, having cancer, it does put in your mind that a time's going to come when you're going to suffer. But I honestly think in this day and age, when people have come to that stage, it shouldn't happen.
I think that if my quality of life is good, they can, I'll have as much treatment as they want to give me. But when my quality of life has finished, that's it, I want to go. While I can walk about and do what I do and, you know' But as soon as that's gone, that's it. End.