Interview LC16

Age at interview: 76
Age at diagnosis: 75
Brief Outline: Diagnosed with lung cancer in 2001, followed by radiotherapy from outside the chest to the lung (CHART).
Background: Domestic help (retired), married, 2 children.

More about me...


Her lung biopsy was not painful but she suffered a collapsed lung.

Her lung biopsy was not painful but she suffered a collapsed lung.

Yes, they numbed my throat and then put a tube down into, obviously into my lung. I didn't feel anything but that didn't show up anything there. So then they said they would give me another biopsy through my lung, through my chest. So they did that, they also numbed that and I was under the scanner so that they could see what they were doing. And, they numbed that and then I could see a long needle and the gentleman told me to shut my eyes! So I closed my eyes, I didn't feel a thing and then they said, 'All right' and it was done. But when I came out of the, that room, I had to wait for an x-ray to be done and after a little, just a short while I felt very, very short of breath. So I was helped down to the x-ray room, they took an x-ray but I was having a lot of trouble breathing so they put me on an oxygen mask and then I was told that my lung had collapsed. Well I didn't know nothing then until I woke up in what they called the recovery room and they'd put a tube through my side and a something drainer or something and I was kept in hospital for four days. But I was in no pain and I wasn't worried.


Says everything was thoroughly and well explained before her treatment.

Says everything was thoroughly and well explained before her treatment.

I was very pleased to know that everything was explained thoroughly to me and it really helped to know what was going to happen and, and how things were going to be but, no I think, as I say I'm fine now and I don't think I can help anybody any more than I have done really.

Did you feel you had a chance to ask questions when you were with the doctors?

Oh yes, yes I did ask them questions and they were very, very clear explaining everything to me.