Interview LC06

Age at interview: 46
Age at diagnosis: 45
Brief Outline: Diagnosed with lung cancer in 2002, followed by chemotherapy, and about to start radiotherapy.
Background: Housewife, married, 1 child.
More about me...
She first consulted her doctor because of a painful arm and numb fingers.
She first consulted her doctor because of a painful arm and numb fingers.
Describes her bronchoscopy via the nose and stresses that it did not hurt.
Describes her bronchoscopy via the nose and stresses that it did not hurt.
A sedative is that?
Sedative yes to, they don't actually knock you out but you're not with it, you know what's going on but not really. It's a very, very strange sensation but not unpleasant. It doesn't hurt, you're told, you're given instructions what to do and as long as you follow those instructions to the letter it will not hurt. When they get to your vocal cords they stop and they'll ask you to swallow and then they go past your vocal chords so they don't do any damage and then they just keep asking you to swallow. They push the camera down and they can see, and me being a nosy person I was very annoyed that I couldn't see either (laughs). But no it was, it was not an unpleasant experience at all. It doesn't last very long, about 15 minutes you're in and out, you're, oh before they put the camera down which I forgot to say, before they put the camera down they do spray the back of your throat so that you have no feeling there, you can't feel the camera, you can't feel anything. So it doesn't hurt at all.
Describes aromatherapy - the smell itself made her feel better.
Describes aromatherapy - the smell itself made her feel better.
Prayer together with a healer and other therapies have been very comforting.
Prayer together with a healer and other therapies have been very comforting.
My friend is a healer, we are both Roman Catholic and our form of healing I suppose would be different because we sit and we pray together. And I find it very, very comforting, very, very relaxing and we've both seen, we hold hands and we pray with our eyes shut but we've both seen the same images and we've both felt the same things. We've both felt our hands lift or felt energy. I've felt energy, draining energy from her into me. But I've had reflexology, which is absolutely wonderful, aromatherapy again absolutely wonderful. Dismiss nothing because everything helps, everything helps.
She has been treated quickly and kindly and found her oncologist marvellous.
She has been treated quickly and kindly and found her oncologist marvellous.
After all this, I wouldn't have a bad word to say about them. I've been treated so quickly, so kindly, I would not have them criticised at all in front of me. They've been absolutely marvellous, absolutely marvellous. With the resources that they've got they're wonderful, absolutely wonderful.
And communication between doctors and patients; has that been good?
It has been so far, so far yes it has, yeah. Dr, my oncologist he is, he's absolutely fantastic, I've never known a doctor like him. He, he does have a clinic but he would rather come and see you whilst you're having your treatment than to drag you back to the hospital, for an appointment. He is, he's marvellous, he is absolutely marvellous.
Describes the support she receives when she visits the day hospice.
Describes the support she receives when she visits the day hospice.