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John lives in the countryside and an air ambulance was sent by NHS Direct to take him to hospital. Shortly afterwards a road ambulance also arrived.
John lives in the countryside and an air ambulance was sent by NHS Direct to take him to hospital. Shortly afterwards a road ambulance also arrived.
John said that his wife arrived to hospital anxious and fearing the worse.
John said that his wife arrived to hospital anxious and fearing the worse.
The heart monitor was set off every time he breathed less. At first John was concerned until he realised why it was happening.
The heart monitor was set off every time he breathed less. At first John was concerned until he realised why it was happening.
So I was immediately wheeled in there. I was then wired up to an ECG monitor which monitored not only the heart but the breathing and blood pressure as well. So I was connected by all these wires for quite a while. And if the things went out of range then an alarm would go off but I very quickly realised that some of these alarms were quite unnecessary, well I mean they were necessary in one sense but for example I normally breathe quite slowly but the alarms are set, I think it’s to 12 breaths a second and when I’m concentrating I probably reduce to something like 6 breaths a second. The moment I’m starting to think about something I stop breathing. I breathe in quite deeply but then it stops and the alarms would go off which at first I found slightly concerning but then I worked out what it was I realised I only had to breathe again to get out of the situation.
John talks about the side effects of taking Clopidogrel.
John talks about the side effects of taking Clopidogrel.
John was diagnosed with prostate cancer shortly after his heart attack. Clopidogrel prevents him from having surgery so he is having radiotherapy instead.
John was diagnosed with prostate cancer shortly after his heart attack. Clopidogrel prevents him from having surgery so he is having radiotherapy instead.
John talks of his experience of receiving primary angioplasty.
John talks of his experience of receiving primary angioplasty.
His hospital notes show that John's primary angioplasty and the fitting of a stent was done in fourteen minutes.
His hospital notes show that John's primary angioplasty and the fitting of a stent was done in fourteen minutes.
As we got to the [Hospital name] they pulled up and as the doors opened a registrar got in, introduced himself to me and said, ‘Do you mind if I ask you a few questions as we are making our way to the Cath lab?’ And so he was running alongside the trolley. At the time it seemed like it was only seconds but in fact their log which I had a copy of, they sent me a copy of their log, showed it was 3 minutes to get me from the ambulance to the Cath lab [catherisation laboratory]. We went into the Cath lab which is like a really 21st Century, almost 22nd Century lot of robotic equipment in there, massive amount of people. I think there were probably 8 people in there or something like that' radiographers, surgeons and so on. I noticed this one guy who was already capped and gowned and he said, ‘Oh Mr. [Name] you’ve had a heart attack, my name is Professor [Name] which filled me full of confidence at being dealt with by a professor and he said, ‘We are going to go in through your groin and stent you.’ He said, ‘There are three arteries which are suspect but only one of them is, you know, urgent.’ He said, ‘So we are going to do that one which is the really urgent one and then you will have the option of either while you are here having them done or you could come back as an outpatient because they’re not urgent that we deal with the other two. They are mild in comparison.
John talks about his experience of following a cardiac rehabilitation programme, including attending the pre-exercise assessment meeting.
John talks about his experience of following a cardiac rehabilitation programme, including attending the pre-exercise assessment meeting.
John describes what happened during his first cardiac rehabilitation exercise session.
John describes what happened during his first cardiac rehabilitation exercise session.