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Paula was sent to intensive care after she had amniotic fluid embolism. When she woke up she felt she was coming out of a very heavy dream.
Paula was sent to intensive care after she had amniotic fluid embolism. When she woke up she felt she was coming out of a very heavy dream.
Paula asked to see her baby, but was told that it wouldn't be any time soon, as they needed to get her stable first.
Paula asked to see her baby, but was told that it wouldn't be any time soon, as they needed to get her stable first.
After having a life threatening condition in pregnancy, Paula had counselling provided at the local children's centre. She found it very useful that she could go as many times as she liked.
After having a life threatening condition in pregnancy, Paula had counselling provided at the local children's centre. She found it very useful that she could go as many times as she liked.
Paula asked for counselling when her daughter was about a year old. For her, it was about the right time. She had processed a lot of her experiences and was ready to talk.
Paula asked for counselling when her daughter was about a year old. For her, it was about the right time. She had processed a lot of her experiences and was ready to talk.
Yes, so that was great. But I do wonder actually because it, it came just at the right time that I was able to go there and kind of unload stuff and I think I unloaded quite a bit of the kind of reserve anger that you kind of have there, about why should this have happened to me, you know, why couldn’t I have had a normal birth and all the rest of it if there is such thing. But you know, what I mean the aftermath was so kind of overwhelming really, that at the time you just work through it, and its only afterwards you kind of think, you know, you stamp your foot a bit and say that was really unfair, that happened to me. You know, and so I was able to do all of that with, with the counsellor then, just at the time I needed it. But I kind of think now, if I’d had to, if I hadn’t have seen her and I had to have waited for however many months it was, how much more severe my symptoms might have got, you know. So that, that concerns me actually that there wasn’t anything you know, more easily accessible, easily available. And although as I say the health visitor had been the one who suggested it way, way back when. I almost kind of think that its still, there’s quite a lot of hoops to jump through to get something. You know, as I say I was lucky that there was a different, there as an alternative route that I could go down and that may not have been on offer to a lot of people, you know, and … you know, it does, you know, make me wonder really.