
Age at interview: 57
Age at diagnosis: 34
Brief Outline: Linda has her daughter 23 years ago. It was a complicated birth as she was diagnosed with Bandls retraction ring during labour. Her daughter was delivered by caesarean, and she haemorrhaged. She had anemia for several months.
Background: Linda is a PA, married with two grown up children. She described experiences twenty three years ago. White British.
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Linda was reflecting on an experience during the birth of her second child, a daughter 23 years old. She saw an advertisement in the Evening Standard newspaper and was motivated to contribute her story to try and help anyone else who has been through something similar. Her experience, Bandls Retraction ring (which can lead to uterine rupture) was long before the Internet and she has never found anyone to talk to about it properly.
Linda experienced a haemorrhage but was not given a blood transfusion and had anemia for several months after the birth. She felt shocked at the speed of the delivery and as though her baby wasn’t really hers. She was unable to breastfeed and so felt isolated from her NCT group, as though she had failed on both counts – having a natural labour and being able to breastfeed. However, after a rough start she does not feel that her experience has had any long term effects on her family or bonding with her daughter.