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Cate went back into hospital with her newborn while doctors investigated her pulmonary embolism (a blood clot in the main artery of the lung). They were cooped up together, and bonded well.
Cate went back into hospital with her newborn while doctors investigated her pulmonary embolism (a blood clot in the main artery of the lung). They were cooped up together, and bonded well.
A couple of weeks after her caesarean Cate developed pain in her shoulder. After a couple of days she went in to A&E to rule out a chest infection. She was later diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism.
A couple of weeks after her caesarean Cate developed pain in her shoulder. After a couple of days she went in to A&E to rule out a chest infection. She was later diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism.
Her PE meant that Cate has discovered she has a hereditary blood clotting condition (Factor V Leiden) for which other family members have had to be tested. This discovery hangs over her now.
Her PE meant that Cate has discovered she has a hereditary blood clotting condition (Factor V Leiden) for which other family members have had to be tested. This discovery hangs over her now.
Cate was told that any more pregnancies would be very high risk, but it did not concern her as she felt her family was complete.
Cate was told that any more pregnancies would be very high risk, but it did not concern her as she felt her family was complete.
I think we were at quite a lucky stage where we were, because a lot of the medical staff, like when you have your six week check and things like that, they phrase things differently. Because we were on our third child, and because I think of my age, I was in my late thirties, they would say, “Is your family complete?” And when I said, “Yes.” I know there was very obvious nurse said, “Oh good. Because…” She said, “We would pretty much be telling you it would be. Even if you weren’t sure.” So because I would be such high risk again if you’ve had one placenta praevia you’re at high risk of another, and then I’d be at high risk again going through the pregnancy and the operation. And I subsequently found out that Factor V Leidens is a high risk pregnancy condition, at least you’re at high risk of miscarriage. So, all in all everything together with that medical history now, would point to the fact that to have more children would be very high risk for me. But we were lucky, because we’d already decided that that was it for us and, you know, our family was finished. We were staying with three. We are already outnumbered [laughs]. Three’s enough.