Interview 29

Age at interview: 55
Age at diagnosis: 51
Brief Outline: Diagnosed with colorectal cancer 1997, under went surgery.
More about me...
He felt he received excellent information before surgery.
He felt he received excellent information before surgery.
I had to stop taking the iron tablets a week before the operation otherwise, from what I can gather, it would have been like him trying to do an operation inside a chimney that hadn't been swept.
I was shown a diagram of my insides on white boards so that he could use one of those white board markers in order to show which bits would be cut out and reconnected. I was,
Is this the surgeon?
The surgeon himself together with the stoma sister, although they didn't think that I was going to need a stoma. I was told about the various tubes that would be coming out although I don't think I quite understood what they were all for, if I did it just went over my head.