Bowel (Colorectal) Cancer
Biological therapies for bowel cancer
Biological or targeted immunotherapy drugs are drugs that are either derived from or created to target substances that occur naturally in the body. They have been designed or modified in the laboratory to target and destroy particular types of cancer cells or to target the differences between cancer cells and normal cells and help the immune system attack the cancer cells.There are different types of biological therapies which include monoclonal antibodies (MABs), cancer growth inhibitors or blockers, vaccines, and gene therapy.
Monoclonal antibodies (MABs)
The main biological therapies licensed for use with bowel cancer are monoclonal antibodies are drugs that can be designed to recognize and find a particular type of cancer cell, attach itself to them and destroy them or stop them from growing. They can also be designed to carry a radioactive molecule, which then delivers radiation directly to the cancer cells. Some of these MABs can be designed to help the immune system attack and kill cancer cells.
Using biological therapy to treat bowel cancer
Biological therapies are usually used in combination with chemotherapy when the cancer has spread beyond the bowel (metastatic or advanced bowel cancer). Research is also looking at whether vaccines and gene therapy can be used to treat bowel cancer, but this type of research is in the very early stages.
Biological therapies are not available to everyone with bowel cancer, but doctors in England may be able to fund them through the Cancer Drugs Fund or as part of a clinical trial.
Stephen is waiting to see if he is eligible for a clinical trial using biological therapies.
Stephen is waiting to see if he is eligible for a clinical trial using biological therapies.
So you’re waiting to see whether you’re eligible?
Yeah and if I have this specific mutation then this monoclonal antibody drug it probably, will probably just go for it and try so in terms of how I feel about clinical trials, the efficacy for me might not be huge, the chances it will actually do something is very slim. With this one it’s a bit higher because there’s a proposed mechanism of why I might interact well so I’ll probably give it a go. But if it doesn’t work for me there’s a feeling, well the fact that you help patients in the future is important so I’m happy to help.
Last reviewed: November 2024.
Last updated: November 2024.
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