
Age at interview: 68
Brief Outline:

Derek is part of a birth cohort study. In primary school, he took a number of tests but cannot remember anything about them. In fact, he was unaware of being part of a birth cohort for some time. His parents did not talk about it and the first he knew about the study was when he started to receive annual greeting cards. He would be happy to be involved with the birth cohort again and would appreciate more information about the study.


Derek is married and has two grown-up children. He works part-time. His ethnic background is White Scottish.

More about me...

Derek is part of a birth cohort study. In primary school, he took a number of tests but cannot remember anything about them. In fact, he was unaware of being part of a birth cohort. It was only when, as an adult, he started receiving an annual card from the study team that he realised he was part of it.  His parents did not tell him about his participation in the birth cohort.

He is pleased to receive the greeting cards every year and would be happy to be involved with the birth cohort, but “I can’t recall ever being asked to do anything else”. He does not know much about what the study was/is for, but believes it’s being done “for a good reason, so I’m quite happy to support it”.

He feels that research, particularly medical research, is valuable to society and his attitude stems from his recent experience of receiving medical care. Research, he added, “is relevant to future treatments for people”.  He has no concerns regarding data sharing or issues of confidentiality because he trusts medical research institutions and because he feels the personal information collected about him is standard information. The only type of medical research he said he would need more information about before deciding to take part was drug trials.

He would like to receive more information from the birth cohort team and suggested that it would be a good idea to send a newsletter together with the annual greeting card.

Interview conducted in 2019.

Derek was motivated to take part in a cohort study “for the good of all”.

Derek was motivated to take part in a cohort study “for the good of all”.


Yeah I’m sure it’s all valuable stuff as a recent recipient of medical care I can see how important it is.

Okay, so its valuable stuff in which sense, in which ways?

Well you’re obviously looking at a group of people from, of my age group so I presume what happens to them is relevant to future treatment for people.

Okay, so it is not just for yourself.


Or your family.


It’s more for the-.

For the good of all.

Compared to a clinical trial, Derek is happy with the activities involved in his cohort study and doesn’t feel there are any risks.

Compared to a clinical trial, Derek is happy with the activities involved in his cohort study and doesn’t feel there are any risks.


Yes it’s not as if they’re asking you to do anything that’s gonna cost you anything and hopefully what you do is gonna do some good.


It’s only a little bit of time at the end of the day.

Trial, I mean trialling drugs on people is something totally different. I’m not-, I would want to know quite a bit more about it before I would agree to something like that. But just a question of information, I don’t see there’s any.