
Age at interview: 76
Brief Outline:

Anthony started to take part in a cardiovascular cohort study in 2007. Participation has involved medical check-ups, tests like ECG, blood samples, memory tests, and “lots of questions”. In the last 16 years, Anthony has volunteered to two other medical studies. He feels that medical research is very important and taking part would be of benefit to other people in the future.


Anthony is married with grown-up children. He is a retired farmer. His ethnic background is White English.

More about me...

Ten years ago, Anthony was invited to take part in a medical cohort by a research nurse at his GP surgery. The nurse explained the study in detail, took consent and was at hand to answer questions when he was filling in the initial questionnaire. Anthony decided to take part in the medical cohort because, as he puts it, “I am a sucker for these research things”. He feels that medical research is very important and taking part would be of benefit to other people in the future. Moreover, he is used to medical screening as he used to have them when he had a flying license.

Over the years, participation in the medical cohort has involved medical check-ups, tests like ECG, blood samples, memory tests, and “lots of questions”. He has also been asked to wear a heart pressure monitor and a Fitbit for a week. His last consultation took place a month ago and he recalls bits of what it involved: “If I really thought about it, I probably could remember one or two things, but it was drawing shapes, remembering different words that was put to me. Then a few minutes later, they’d come back and say, ‘What were those words?’ and things like that”.

Following his last screening, he received a medical report saying that “there was nothing to worry about for my age”. Anthony feels that the team conducting the medical cohort has communicated well with him. Of his last appointment, he says “when I went in there he explained exactly what he wanted to do, and I had to approve it and sign a document to say that was okay”. 

In addition to taking part in the medical cohort, and in the last 16 years, Anthony has volunteered to two other medical studies: one following his knee replacement, and another that was researching MRSA in the general population. In all these studies, he has felt comfortable answering questions by members of the staff or in questionnaires, describing them as “straight forward questions” and “not intrusive”. He is supportive of data sharing for medical purposes, including with pharmaceutical companies.  

Anthony feels it would be good to encourage younger people to participate in medical research as he has noted that most participants in the studies he has taken part in tend to be retired people like himself. He thinks that advertising in workplaces would be a step in the right direction.

Interview conducted in 2019.



Anthony didn’t expect to receive any results based on the readings of a heart monitor and Fitbit. He thinks the researchers would have told him if there were any concerns.

Anthony didn’t expect to receive any results based on the readings of a heart monitor and Fitbit. He thinks the researchers would have told him if there were any concerns.


Well, they’re easy enough to wear, there’s absolutely no problem at all. You know, it was, they gave me different patches, so I could have a shower and put a new patch on – re-clip it. But the only time we didn’t wear it, of course, was when I was in the shower.

Okay, so otherwise you…?

I wore it all the time, sleeping and throughout the day. 

Okay, you said that you didn’t get a feedback from that? Are you expecting a feedback from that test?

Not really. I guess if there’s anything peculiar they would have let me know, but I haven’t, had no feedback from that or the wrist monitor.


Being retired, Anthony feels he has the time to take part in a study. He thinks it is important that younger people take part in medical research as well though.

Being retired, Anthony feels he has the time to take part in a study. He thinks it is important that younger people take part in medical research as well though.


Yeah, well, I can’t see any point not participating because I think it’s, you know, if it’s going to help research or other people, just participate. I can’t see any reason not to, unless you are so busy that you can’t afford the time not to, but being a retired old man [laughs] I don’t, I can’t see any reason not to. You know, it’s, I think I would encourage everyone to participate if they could.


It needs, probably needs younger people because from what I saw most of the people were my age that were going in or waiting.

Okay, so…

I should think you ought to try and encourage younger people to participate.