Women’s experiences of Domestic Violence and Abuse


Maggie Evans

Maggie Evans is a Research Fellow in the School for Social & Community Medicine at Bristol University. She has been focussing for the last six years on research into domestic violence and abuse (DVA), looking at individual’s experiences and developing new ways to provide support. She has a social science background with a PhD from Bristol investigating the supportive care needs of people with cancer. She is Principal Investigator for the Domestic Violence and Abuse Health Experience Insightsmodule.

Emma Johnson

Emma Johnson is a Senior Research Associate at Bristol University. She has a PhD in health psychology and 10 years’ experience of working on qualitative studies in health services research.

Karen Morgan

Karen Morgan is a sociologist with research interests in gendered violence, including DVA. She also has experience from the voluntary sector of supporting survivors of domestic and sexual abuse. She joined the Health Experience InsightsDVA team in Social and Community Medicine in 2015, where she now works as a Research Fellow.

Emma Williamson

Emma Williamson is a Senior Research Fellow in the Centre for Gender and Violence Research.  She has over 20 years’ experience of working on this topic, exploring the impacts of abuse on victims/survivors and wider society, as well as examining the responses to such abuse.  This includes responses from health; police; criminal and civil justice; education; housing; benefits; and specialist women's services.

Advisory Panel

Sara Ryan
Senior Research Lead, Health Experiences Research Group, Department of Primary Health Care, University of Oxford

Alison Gregory
Senior Research Associate, Academic Unit of Primary Health Care, University of Bristol

Helen Salisbury
GP Principal, Lecturer and Medical Advisor to the Health Experiences Research Group, Department of Primary Health Care, University of Oxford

Fiona Duxbury
GP Principal, Oxford, Author of the Royal College of General Practitioners e-learning modules on Domestic Violence and Abuse

Lisa Johnson
Manager of Direct Services, Women’s Aid

Kate Barnes
Senior Help-line Support Worker, Women’s Aid

Medina Johnson
National IRIS Manager, Nextlink Domestic Abuse Services, Bristol

Roxane Agnew-Davies
Director, Domestic Violence Training Ltd

Morgan Fackrell
Chief Executive, Cardiff Women’s Aid
Women survivors of domestic violence and abuse
A group of six women who provided support and input to the development of the Health Experience InsightsDVA module throughout.

Thanks to all the participants who shared their experiences of domestic violence and abuse, the Advisory Panel, our transcribers, and the organisations that supported us: NextLink, Solace Women’s Aid, Cardiff Women’s Aid and Women’s Aid UK.

Supported by:

This is a summary of independent research funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) under its Research for Patient Benefit Programme (Grant Reference Number PB-PG-0712-28011). The views expressed are those of the authors, and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health.

Grant Holders:
Maggie Evans
Gene Feder
Helen Salisbury
Sue Ziebland
Emma Williamson
Roxane Agnew Davies
Alison Gregory
Morgan Fackrell
Sara Ryan