Women’s experiences of Domestic Violence and Abuse

Profiles - Age 40 – 49


Victoria is a white British woman who lives in a privately rented home with her son, aged three. She works part-time as a support worker and at the time of interview had recently started a new relationship.


Kanya is a 41 year old Thai woman, separated from her English husband after ten years of marriage. She lives with her adult son in a council flat. Her younger son lives with his father. Kanya is currently unable to work owing to health problems.


Liz is a 46 year old, white British woman who is divorced and lives in her own home with her three children and stepson. She works full-time as a Tax Director for a large professional services company.


Min is a 47 year old mixed race single woman living with her four children in a privately rented home in a rural area. She works as a Pilates teacher, alongside her training to become a lawyer and is engaged in consciousness raising about domestic violence and abuse.


Sara is a 40 year old Christian woman who cares for her two children aged four and six years. She lives in a privately rented home, is divorced and is engaged in voluntary work.


Tanya is a 45 year old white British woman who lives with her three children in a rented home. Educated to degree level, Tanya works part-time and also volunteers for a domestic violence and abuse charity.


Catherine is a white British woman who lives with her new partner in their owned home. Catherine is doing postgraduate study at university. She has two sons, both in their 20s.


Sophie is a well-educated, single white woman who lives with her two children (aged eight and eighteen years at the time of the interview) in their privately owned home. She is a full-time carer to her youngest child, who lives with a neurological condition.


Tasha, a white British woman, lives with her husband and four of her five children (ages 9 months – 21 years) in a privately owned home. She is unemployed, living with condition affecting her joints, and is registered disabled.


Anna is a single, white British woman. She lives in a council property with two of her six children, one of whom has special needs. She works part-time as a volunteer for two charitable organisations.


Melanie is 42 year old, black British (Caribbean) woman, single and living with her daughters aged 22, 20 and seven. She is a support worker for people with learning disabilities, but has taken time out from work, to care for family and to recover from a depressive illness.


Jane is a single, white British, unemployed woman. She is a mother of two and lives with her youngest daughter in a privately rented home.


Jessica is a single retired white British woman in her fifties. She has lived alone for three years since leaving her abusive marriage of 27 years. She has two adult children. She was employed until she developed fibromyalgia.


Kate is a single, well-educated, white British woman who lives with her two young children in their privately owned home. She is currently unable to work due to anxiety and depression.