Interview 16

Age at interview: 50
Age at diagnosis: 44
Brief Outline: Testicular cancer (seminoma) diagnosed in 1996, with secondary tumours in the abdomen. Orchidectomy, followed by 4 months of chemotherapy (each cycle over three weeks with one week in hospital, then 2 weeks at home), and 4 weeks (20 treatments) of radiotherapy.
Background: Contract Manager; married, 1 adult child.
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Explains that he first experienced severe pain in his back.
Explains that he first experienced severe pain in his back.
Describes his experience of an MRI scan.
Describes his experience of an MRI scan.
Yeah that's a bit like, it's like an extended CT scan. You're put into an enclosed tube, very claustrophobic and in my case it was done as a, it was done as sort of an experiment to see what they could actually see in compared to a CT scan. It was like a teaching hospital and they were interested in research. So they inject some dye into your veins, you're in this enclosed unit and you basically, you wear headphones because it's extremely noisy, it's like a magnet that's sort of revolving around you and there's a tremendous clonking noise. And they take a more detailed scan than a CT scan will take. It's, it can be sort of frightening I think because you're sort of, your head is enclosed, it's like being in a cave and you can't see anything and they've got sort of cameras on you so that you now they're looking at you and it's quite an experience really. It didn't actually show up any difference to what they thought anyway from the CT scan so it was just sort of something else that they did.
Explains that he found reflexology relaxing and enjoyable.
Explains that he found reflexology relaxing and enjoyable.
So did the massage to the feet actually affect the pain that you were getting in the back or the head do you think?
I don't know whether it actually, I think it's more a sort of, it makes you feel better. I suppose it does really help you but I don't know whether that's because you just believe it helps you or whether it actually does. I suppose either way if it helps you then you know you're going to take this, you're going to take the, whatever you can get and if it helps then all well and good. And in my case I think it did, it did help and I did enjoy it and it used to relax me when I used to go for these, the reflexology and it was quite you know quite an experience, and quite enjoyable.
Worries that cancer might come back even though he knows that it is most unlikely.
Worries that cancer might come back even though he knows that it is most unlikely.
Does that prey on your mind a lot?
It does yeah. And I know from all the reading and research that I've done that it shouldn't. I know that I'm sort of cured basically and I know that the chances of it coming back are minuscule. But I suppose I'm just, I've just always got that nagging feeling that it might.
Describes his fear that the cancer may return.
Describes his fear that the cancer may return.
Does that prey on your mind a lot?
It does yeah. And I know from all the reading and research that I've done that it shouldn't. I know that I'm sort of cured basically and I know that the chances of it coming back are minuscule. But I suppose I'm just, I've just always got that nagging feeling that it might.