Rose - Interview 33- Menopause

Rose's menopausal symptoms included hot flushes, headaches, and tiredness. Tried a number of types of HRT but problems with breakthrough bleeding, headaches and heart palpitations led her to manage her symptoms naturally with the help of herbal remedies.
Rose is a personnel manager. She is married with two adult children. She started the menopause at age 43 and had her last period at 45. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.
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Rose was brought up to accept her doctor's advice without question. She is more confident now and understands that GPs have limitations and are not 'gods'.
Rose was brought up to accept her doctor's advice without question. She is more confident now and understands that GPs have limitations and are not 'gods'.
And I know when I started to have the symptoms of the menopause I went to see my GP, when I could no longer manage it myself, and I took their advice and I think that goes back to my working class background in that I’ve been brought up to accept what other people tell me and to deal with it. But actually in hindsight, I shouldn’t have done that, I should have taken more responsibility for my own wellbeing and done that research earlier and asked for that second opinion earlier, asked for that expert advice earlier. But I think going back to my working class roots GPs were Gods and you didn’t think to ever challenge or question their advice to you. And we need to be doing that more because as I get older and I get more educated and I learn more, I realise they’re not Gods, they’re like everybody else they’re doing the best job that they can with the limited amount of information and limited amount of time that they’ve got.