Annette - Interview 26- Menopause
The menopause has not been easy for Annette. Now the mother of a two year-old 'menopause' baby, her experiences of hot flushes, moods and increased weight alongside existing health problems have added to the complexity of her life as a single mother.
Annette is a part-time dinner lady and carer. She is single with four children ranging in age from 2 to 22. She started the menopause at age 44. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.
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The doctor did not consider Annette's individual needs. He gave her a leaflet about the menopause, which she found difficult to read because she is 'slightly dyslexic'.
The doctor did not consider Annette's individual needs. He gave her a leaflet about the menopause, which she found difficult to read because she is 'slightly dyslexic'.
Alright. As I say the menopause hasn’t been easy. I haven’t had what you call HRT but I know there’s lots of things out there you can take and in your body. I think I’m quite a stubborn person in that way. I’m not, as I say, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t take anything into my body unless I really know a lot about it. When I did go to the doctor I didn’t find him very helpful, it was like, “Well there’s HRT or you get on with it more or less.” So I just thought, “At the moment I’ll get on with it.”