Interview 54- Carers of people with dementia
Cared for in her own home, initially supported by cleaner who had been with her for 20 years. Since the cleaner retired they have installed a live in carer. Arrangements for transfer to residential care in the near future are being considered.
Carer is one of 4 daughters looking after their widowed mother. She has two daughters of her own and works as a script editor. Her mother never went to work.
Further information about this participant can be found on - Carers of People with Dementia
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The GP told her it was no longer safe for her mother to drive. She found it difficult to take away her mother's keys.
The GP told her it was no longer safe for her mother to drive. She found it difficult to take away her mother's keys.
Now I, certainly one of my sisters felt her driving was risky and I didn't. And I felt it was a bitter blow for her to lose that car but sure enough she did because the doctor wouldn't sign the thing saying she could keep it. So I went and saw the doctor and persuaded him, the local doctor, to sign a form for the police saying that she could drive, you know, etc, but he wouldn't 'cos he said 'You'll never forgive yourself if she's in an accident'.