But he says, the surgeon came and seen me, he says' "You don't have to get your whole breast off," he says.
"It's just we're going to cut through this lump and take it away."
I says' "No." I says' "I want the whole breast off."
I says' "Because I don't want radiotherapy and I don't want chemo," I said, "and I'd be happier if you took the whole lot off so it will balance me out."
So whether he was pleased about that or not I don't know but that's what I wanted so I got that done and that was in 1996.
Did they try to change your mind?
Yes they did, aye, aye they did. They said it was so silly.
I says' "Well what's more silly is having one off and one just half there." I says' "No." I says' "And anyway I don't want the treatment, just take it all off."
So that was the answer they got. But I demanded it so got it.