Interview 34: Breast cancer

Age at interview: 67
Age at diagnosis: 49
Brief Outline:
Diagnosed with breast cancer in 1983, underwent a mastectomy.
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Explains why she preferred not to have the responsibility of making a decision about surgery. She suspects that instead of being offered choices many people would rather follow the surgeon's advice.
Explains why she preferred not to have the responsibility of making a decision about surgery. She suspects that instead of being offered choices many people would rather follow the surgeon's advice.
They didn't have lumpectomies so it wasn't so popular at that time.
And I know I was recommended a book to read afterwards on breast cancer and it said if you're told you're going to have a mastectomy ask for a second opinion.
I found that amusing as I'd already had mine when I read this. But I didn't think of asking for any other treatment or anything. I just took it that doctor would know, or the surgeon would know best, and I never sort of knew that there were different treatments. But I did find out, we had a talk from the breast surgeon and they sort of divided the breast up into sections and mine was right near the nipple. And apparently that area they prefer to do a mastectomy anyway rather than just a lumpectomy.
So I was quite relieved about that. I thought' "Oh well, I did have the right treatment then," you know. And I was grateful because really it's a case of a gift of life more than anything. So I'd never ever think that a surgeon was giving me the wrong treatment.
I think it's difficult for people nowadays if they're asked which sort of treatment they like because it's quite a responsibility. And often people, although the surgeon explains, I think it's often people feel they'd rather just be told what the surgeon would like to do.
Apparently nowadays that is the choice, well it is in our breast clinics - that they can have a choice of just whether they want the whole breast off, whether they want a lumpectomy, or whether they'd like to leave it to the surgeon to think what he'd like best.
And I'm sure I would leave it to the surgeon for what he thought was best if I had choices like that.