Interview OV48

Ovarian cancer diagnosed in 2000. Treated by surgical removal of ovaries and womb and chemotherapy.
Married; no children.
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Had been trying to conceive and was devastated at losing her reproductive organs ovaries.

Had been trying to conceive and was devastated at losing her reproductive organs ovaries.
Initially after the diagnosis, the fact that you won't be able to have children seems less important because you are focused on having treatment that will keep you alive. It is when you have finished the treatment and life returns to being more normal that the impact of remaining childless hits home and I feel quite cheated. I think it is something that you just have to come to terms with but there is no quick-fix solution.
Had been concerned about her body image and about having sex, but her husband had been very supportive.

Had been concerned about her body image and about having sex, but her husband had been very supportive.
But no I think initially you're sort of scared of having intercourse because you're scared of something, you know, breaking or going wrong or probably not being exactly the same because you haven't got all your bits there, sort of thing. But I don't, you know, not really had any problems. And I mean my husband is very good about sort of, he doesn't, as long as I'm there he doesn't care what I look like or, you know, sort of having gone through this as long as I'm still here then, you know, he's not bothered. And he's making, you know, he's good at making you feel sort of feminine, you know, the same as I was really. So no, no problems.
I think the problem is probably more in my head than anything else, you know, but I think as time goes on it gets easier.
Her husband was not concerned about her changed appearance and still made her feel feminine.