Interview OV11

Ovarian cancer diagnosed in 1994 following acute abdominal pain. Treated by surgical removal of ovaries and womb followed by chemotherapy.
Medical Receptionist; married; no children.
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Felt unwell and had post-operative pain due to the size of the incision.
Felt unwell and had post-operative pain due to the size of the incision.
I think I came out after 5 days. I was quite unwell for a couple of days, the first couple of days after, when they moved me to the gynae unit, I was quite unwell then. But I had a really high temperature, couldn't keep any food down and I was in a lot of pain. And then they used some Voltaral suppositories, which were absolutely wonderful and I was practically pain-free then. Because I have got rather a large scar, it's sort of about 12 inches long I think, the scar.
Because they cut me to supposedly take the appendix out. So then had to go from the appendix right across and put the appendix, they moved the appendix I think, and but that's still intact. That stayed there. So I was in quite a lot of pain at first. But I mean once I came home I was pottering about and I wasn't too bad at all.
Praised her doctors for straight talking.
Praised her doctors for straight talking.
What do you think of the health professionals who've cared for you?
Oh they've been brilliant; yes, absolutely brilliant, yeah. I've got, I just can't say anything against any of them, they were all wonderful and the lady gynaecologist who actually did the operation was absolutely brilliant and so down-to-earth and so straight with me. I mean, I wanted answers and I wanted straight answers and they gave them to me. But on the other hand, they weren't, I can't think of the word, they weren't over-optimistic so that they weren't trying to pull the wool over my eyes at all. I asked for straight answers and they gave them to me and I'm sure, thinking back now, they did.
Did not change her diet or exercise regimens because her lifestyle had always been healthy.
Did not change her diet or exercise regimens because her lifestyle had always been healthy.
Have you considered any changes to your lifestyle, your diet, exercise, that kind of thing?
Well no because I feel as though I've had a healthy diet, I'm a vegetarian anyway, which I'd been for a number of years before the operation. I'd not smoked, well for quite a few years, I mean I'd smoked until I was about 20, but for 30 years I hadn't smoked, I only drink socially, and I feel as though I have got quite a healthy lifestyle anyway. I look after myself, I'd always eaten the right food, well my parents had always insisted I eat the right food (laughing). I'd been brought up healthily and I had always been very fit; I've always exercised, I walk. So I didn't see, really, that there were any major changes that I could make.