Osteoporosis, alcohol and smoking
Men and women are advised not to drink more than 14 units a week on a regular basis (NHS choices June 2017). Michelle thinks that the weekly units of alcohol for women is still high but many of the people we talked to said that they drink ‘very little’ or ‘in moderation’ and certainly much less than the recommended amount. One reason given was that too much alcohol is likely to be dangerous because a drunken person is more prone to fall and fracture or as Clare put ‘it is asking for trouble’. Many people said that they may drank a glass of wine or two over dinner, or when socialising with friends, but not every day.
David drinks occasionally and in moderation.
David drinks occasionally and in moderation.
Keith occasionally drinks more than the recommended units but he doesn't 'binge drink'.
Keith occasionally drinks more than the recommended units but he doesn't 'binge drink'.
Sheila stopped smoking immediately when she had a heart attack.
Sheila stopped smoking immediately when she had a heart attack.
Laurence gave up smoking ten years ago on his doctor's advice.
Laurence gave up smoking ten years ago on his doctor's advice.
It all come comes down to will power, self-control doesn’t it. I mean it’s like regards to smoking ‘Oh, I can’t give up smoking, have a fag.’ I used to smoke cigarettes and I’ve never I went... I had pleurisy and gastric flu and I went and the doctor said to me, ‘How many cigarettes do you smoke, Lawrence?’ And I said, ‘About ten a day.’ ‘Oh You’ll be dead by the time you’re twenty five.’ He said to me.
I used to sort of roll me own and went playing bowls we had an inter-departmental bowls match once in [pause 5 seconds] on the telly they had this programme about this bloke will all his lungs in it and he [doctor] mentioned it, ‘That could be yours, Laurence.’ He said. So I’ve put me fag down, stubbed it out, you know and, used to smoke cigars and. Our dad used to smoke cigarettes and he was [coughs] and I think, ‘Well, that’s supposed to be pleasure.’ You know, I always said I’d pack up smoking cigars if I had a cough like him but I did inhale see, you’re not supposed to inhale a cigar which I did do and I started getting pains in me chest so I thought, ‘Sod this.’ So I packed in.
Beryl has been trying to stop smoking for 20 years, but nothing has worked long term.
Beryl has been trying to stop smoking for 20 years, but nothing has worked long term.
Gloria gave up drinking alcohol and smoking thirty years ago when she became ill with kidney stones and needed two operations.
Gloria gave up drinking alcohol and smoking thirty years ago when she became ill with kidney stones and needed two operations.
Last reviewed June 2017.
Last updated June 2017.
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