
Age at interview: 68
Brief Outline: Paul was diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy 15 years ago. He has a biventricular pacemaker, takes minimal medication and can still do everything he wants to despite becoming breathless and tired. He helps run a local support group and gives one-to-one support to other people with cardiomyopathy.
Background: Paul is a retired business start-up advisor. He is married with adult children. Ethnic background: White English.
More about me...
Paul was diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy (a cause of heart failure) fifteen years ago after experiencing chest pain when cycling uphill and having breathing difficulties at night. The diagnosis was not explained to him, so he searched for information on the internet and contacted heart support charities. On finding there was no local support group for people with cardiomyopathy, he set one up that was hosted by the main hospital in the area.
Paul was started on tablets and it took two years to achieve the optimum level of medicines to control his condition. He currently takes a beta blocker in the morning and an ACE inhibitor with his evening meal. Previously he also took furosemide then spironolactone, but has now stopped both. Soon after diagnosis he had a two wire biventricular pacemaker fitted, which made little difference to him, but was later replaced by a three wire one, which immediately got rid of his symptoms. He is now on his 5th pacemaker. He took part in a trial that was investigating whether injecting stem cells could repair damaged heart muscle. The treatment made no difference to his condition and he later learned that he had received a placebo rather than stem cells. He feels frustrated and angry that he has never been told the results of the trial.
Over the years Paul’s condition has deteriorated a bit and he gets breathless and tired but he can still do everything he wants to do. He is on minimal medication and does not consider himself disabled by his condition even though he has a disabled parking permit. He retired about 18 months early from work after being offered a financial incentive to do so. He applied for Employment Support Allowance (ESA) and was initially turned down as he was considered fit to work, but it was granted on appeal. He worked a few hours a week (as allowed on ESA) until reaching proper retirement age.
When he retired fully Paul and his wife moved to a different part of the country where he feels less supported by the hospital system than he had done before. He no longer has regular check-ups with a cardiologist and has to ask for an appointment or specific checks to be done if he is concerned. His latest pacemaker is monitored every night by a machine under his bed. The data is downloaded remotely every six months but if anything goes wrong in the meantime the technicians will receive an alarm message from the machine prompting them to contact him. He feels reassured by having a face-to-face check-up with a practice nurse annually, who measures his blood pressure, weight and height, listens to his chest, does a blood test and asks how he is. He weighs himself every week or two for his own interest. He occasionally measures his blood pressure at home if his symptoms are unexpectedly worse. He has little faith in GPs’ understanding of cardiomyopathy and his first port of call in the event of a problem would be the heart failure nurse at the local hospital.
Paul believes his cardiomyopathy was probably caused by his family history as his father and several of his half-brothers had died of heart problems. He accepts his condition as he can’t do anything about it. He recently had an operation with a general anaesthetic to fix a paraesophageal hiatus hernia with the aim of improving his breathing, but it didn’t. He has arthritis in his feet, which limits his mobility a bit. He helps to run a local cardiomyopathy support group and provides one-to-one support to other people through Cardiomyopathy UK.
Paul was started on tablets and it took two years to achieve the optimum level of medicines to control his condition. He currently takes a beta blocker in the morning and an ACE inhibitor with his evening meal. Previously he also took furosemide then spironolactone, but has now stopped both. Soon after diagnosis he had a two wire biventricular pacemaker fitted, which made little difference to him, but was later replaced by a three wire one, which immediately got rid of his symptoms. He is now on his 5th pacemaker. He took part in a trial that was investigating whether injecting stem cells could repair damaged heart muscle. The treatment made no difference to his condition and he later learned that he had received a placebo rather than stem cells. He feels frustrated and angry that he has never been told the results of the trial.
Over the years Paul’s condition has deteriorated a bit and he gets breathless and tired but he can still do everything he wants to do. He is on minimal medication and does not consider himself disabled by his condition even though he has a disabled parking permit. He retired about 18 months early from work after being offered a financial incentive to do so. He applied for Employment Support Allowance (ESA) and was initially turned down as he was considered fit to work, but it was granted on appeal. He worked a few hours a week (as allowed on ESA) until reaching proper retirement age.
When he retired fully Paul and his wife moved to a different part of the country where he feels less supported by the hospital system than he had done before. He no longer has regular check-ups with a cardiologist and has to ask for an appointment or specific checks to be done if he is concerned. His latest pacemaker is monitored every night by a machine under his bed. The data is downloaded remotely every six months but if anything goes wrong in the meantime the technicians will receive an alarm message from the machine prompting them to contact him. He feels reassured by having a face-to-face check-up with a practice nurse annually, who measures his blood pressure, weight and height, listens to his chest, does a blood test and asks how he is. He weighs himself every week or two for his own interest. He occasionally measures his blood pressure at home if his symptoms are unexpectedly worse. He has little faith in GPs’ understanding of cardiomyopathy and his first port of call in the event of a problem would be the heart failure nurse at the local hospital.
Paul believes his cardiomyopathy was probably caused by his family history as his father and several of his half-brothers had died of heart problems. He accepts his condition as he can’t do anything about it. He recently had an operation with a general anaesthetic to fix a paraesophageal hiatus hernia with the aim of improving his breathing, but it didn’t. He has arthritis in his feet, which limits his mobility a bit. He helps to run a local cardiomyopathy support group and provides one-to-one support to other people through Cardiomyopathy UK.
Paul explains that it took a couple of weeks for his body to recover from each increase in dose of medicines; it took 2 years to achieve the optimum level for him.
Paul explains that it took a couple of weeks for his body to recover from each increase in dose of medicines; it took 2 years to achieve the optimum level for him.
Paul and his wife use their breakfast and evening meal as reminders to take their medicines.
Paul and his wife use their breakfast and evening meal as reminders to take their medicines.
After moving to a new area Paul feels less well supported by the professionals than before and has to remind them when tests are due.
After moving to a new area Paul feels less well supported by the professionals than before and has to remind them when tests are due.
Paul only ever measures his blood pressure if he has an ache in his chest that won’t go away or if he feels particularly fatigued or out of breath.
Paul only ever measures his blood pressure if he has an ache in his chest that won’t go away or if he feels particularly fatigued or out of breath.
And again, do you keep the records or not?
No. No.
And you do it for your own interest, it’s not something you’ve been asked to do?
No own interest. And it’s simply that, you know, if it’s particularly low or whatever then I’ll get on to the heart failure nurse and say…
Although he qualified for a blue badge disabled parking permit due to breathlessness, Paul doesn’t consider himself disabled.
Although he qualified for a blue badge disabled parking permit due to breathlessness, Paul doesn’t consider himself disabled.
How far can you walk?
A couple of hundred yards on a level surface before I start getting out of breath, although the, on the, on the day that I went for my disability assessment for the blue badge, it was held at the local library actually, and the lady doing the assessment, who was an industrial qualified person who was doing this kind of thing all day every day by the sounds of it, accompanied me on a walk round the library and she noticed that I was starting to get out of breath within about 30 yards. And by the time we’d got back to the office where we were doing the assessment, and unbeknownst to me, she was actually timing how long it took me to recover from being breathless. And it took me ten minutes to recover. So I would say that that was a particularly bad day, a good day from the assessment point of view, but I’m not usually that out of breath, although it does vary.
After taking early retirement Paul applied for state benefits and was initially turned down but after a successful appeal had his benefits backdated.
After taking early retirement Paul applied for state benefits and was initially turned down but after a successful appeal had his benefits backdated.
Employment Support Allowance.
Employment Support Allowance, that’s where the, eventually, because I went through the Atos assessment, which was quite frankly laughable, absolutely pathetic. I rather suspect that it was in line with their contract as written by the bureaucrats in London, but as far as assessing me as to whether I was fit to work or not, quite frankly it was just laughable. Also the person doing the assessment was, had nothing to do with, with heart conditions whatsoever, I think she was a physiologist but there we go.
So my initial assessment from Atos was that I was fit for work. Well I wouldn’t accept that and said that I would go to tribunal, and got supporting information from doctors and other professional people, and hey ho they looked at my file again, my case and decided that actually I wasn’t fit for work and I did qualify for ESA at the higher level and it should be backdated 18 months. So I actually ended up with them paying me an additional £1800 as a lump sum, and I think it was over £90 a week, but anyway, which was very useful. Also under ESA I was, I was able to work up to a certain limit of earnings, so I actually took a part time job as a driver for a blind lady who was going round demonstrating how to use computers to people who were losing or have lost their sight. So that was quite a useful and interesting and informative period as far as I’m concerned.