Interview HF33

Age at interview: 46
Age at diagnosis: 45
Brief Outline: Heart failure diagnosed 2002.
Background: Unemployed; single with 1 child.
More about me...
He lives a stress-free life and says that stress is a modern word.
He lives a stress-free life and says that stress is a modern word.
Anybody comes in here and gives me stress; they're back out the front door, 'cos I don't want it in here, you know what I mean. No need for it! So stress, no. It's a modern word, love! [laughs] It's a modern word for people who won't stop working for a couple of minutes! I'm sorry but I don't care. You know my parents grew up and if they had the stress that I see people having now, oh gosh, oh my gosh. Stress free man, you know, wherever, you know what I mean?
He felt bloated after eating small amounts of food.
He felt bloated after eating small amounts of food.
It felt as if the slightest, anything you ate, it could be half a bar of chocolate, an apple, it just felt that your stomach was full, and that was the fluid developing on the stomach because of the heart's apparently working too hard, and the fluid couldn't get out. Right so the heart was creating too much fluid on the lungs, that's it, water on the lungs, that's what they call it.
His diagnosis upset his family and worried his twin brother.
His diagnosis upset his family and worried his twin brother.
And then inherited, or whatever he said it was, like I was born with it, so I'm saying, 'Well, bloody hell, if I'm born with it, how come they ain't noticed it before?' sort of thing? But obviously they ain't going to notice it, if you ain't got no complaints, you know what I mean? You know, what was that guy on the football field, 28, died, you know what I mean? He's a fit, athletic person, he's supposed to have had a medical, right, to be playing football and he passed away. And he's only 28 so you know it can happen any time, you just don't know!
Well, it was like tearful and then wanting to see Daddy straight away and all this, you know what I mean? And in the end I just told her, I said, 'Listen, you know I'm here now all right, so just be cool, just behave.' Because it was like stressful for her, you know what I mean.
It was stressful for all of them really, because my Mum and Dad they were like coming up with the smiles, going out with a worried face, worried attitude. My sister, who's my twin, same kind of thing, so's my brother. He started to get panicky now when I says it could be in the men-gene in this family, sort of thing.
So everybody had their own little agendas to deal with, you know what I mean. But whatever happens, I just, all I can say is that you need to be, you as a patient need to be positive and you've got to let that positive come out because otherwise you're going to get all your people around you starting to worry. And it's just going to cause them to an earlier grave, isn't it really? So as much as sometimes it may hurt you to find that oh gosh, why me? Then I think about the others around you because they're going through it as well, if not more than you.
He finds the internet a helpful source of information.
He finds the internet a helpful source of information.
Well, that's a good link to my next question, which is how have you found out more information? Have you used the Internet?
Yes, because it's there, it's on, it's there 24 hours a day and provided you've got access to it then why not use it, you know what I mean? Because nobody's perfect, nobody knows everything, right, and no disrespect to anybody but you know, not even the doctors know everything. And the best way to find out anything in life is through personal experience.
I think that's how we did it, actually, because my niece was with me, we did get some answers because I'm trying to get into this heart thing, you know what I mean? Because I had the and it brought up the diagram of the heart on there and I said, 'I've got that at home on one of them pamphlets,' and I says, 'Oh yes, there it is there,' and then she was saying, 'Well, what's wrong with you?' And I went, 'See that one there, it's blocked, it's narrowed, and you see that there it's pumping too fast, the valve,' and she said, 'Oh...' and then she got an insight into it as well so, you know what I mean? It was nice, it got us a bit closer actually, but then she started to worry, 'Oh, you're not going to be here much longer are you?' and I went, 'No, don't start!'. But you know at least she could see for herself what I was going through, you know what I mean. So if I was walking up the stairs at my sister's now and I felt a bit out of breath, they could understand. He says 'Oh, it's the old ticker, isn't it?' 'Yes,' and we started to make a joke about it and you know that's the way you get light-hearted man, and you know you've got to be! You can't take it too seriously, you know you'd be in a coffin already, man, I'm telling you!
His doctors were surprised at the state of his heart.
His doctors were surprised at the state of his heart.
He feels that his doctors take most interest in his beta-blockers compared to his other medicines.
He feels that his doctors take most interest in his beta-blockers compared to his other medicines.
Since I've been in hospital and come out, it's nearly 6 months now, they haven't altered any other tablet apart from the beta-blocker, right. So you know, even when, I had to re-register my doctor and I thought he'd give me like a medical, nothing like that. Got my notes and says, 'Okay, you can have these whenever you want' because it's like a repeat prescription and what have you. Fine, no problem but you know, are there any different doses for the water tablets? You know like in the summer, you know could it be higher because there's more intake of fluid because of the weather? I don't know, nobody's said nothing to me, you know what I mean? So, I don't know, you just don't know, do you?
Have you noticed any side effects from any of them?
Well, it's hard to pin-point because I take 4, 5 in the mornings so I've got 5 tablets working around so I don't know if it's this or that. The only one I have, well obviously the beta-blocker, when I went up from the 1mg to 2.5 and then 3.75, then it went on to 5, oh that was, you know that was when I could feel the heart, you know what I mean?
Because obviously, well the way I look at it, it's slowing it down so if I'm continuing doing what I normally do it's putting extra pressure on my heart so obviously you're going to feel it more, ain't it? Because you've one slowing it down and there's you trying to work it and it's going, hang on, what's going on here, you know. This has said slow down and you're saying you want more, you know what I mean? So, I explained that to the nurses down there and they says, 'Oh, if you feel uncomfortable just drop that down to the one that you feel comfortable with.' Like again, none of the other tablets, nobody said nothing to me about the other tablets, you know what I mean? And it doesn't seem like they're interested about the other tablets, it's just the beta-blocker and that's it.
He describes how his beta-blockers affected him.
He describes how his beta-blockers affected him.
But the water tablets, the morning ones and the heart tablets which now have been regulated now. I used to take them in the mornings but now I'm taking them in the evenings, which I think is a better thing because when you took them in the morning, well I used to have like dizzy spells if I was to bend down too quickly, I'd feel faintish. And then my GP at the hospital turned round and said, 'Well they're changing the programme and putting them on nights because obviously, you're relaxed, your sleeping.' So if your pressure goes down or whatever, you're in sleep, it's not going to kill you so you're there in sleep so not going to feel it, which is better.
Are those the beta-blockers?
The beta-blockers, yes.
Well, it's hard to pin-point because I take 4, 5 in the mornings so I've got 5 tablets working around so I don't know if it's this or that. The only one I have, well obviously the beta-blocker, when I went up from the 1mg to 2.5 and then 3.75, then it went on to 5, oh that was, you know that was when I could feel the heart, you know what I mean?
Because obviously, well the way I look at it, it's slowing it down so if I'm continuing doing what I normally do it's putting extra pressure on my heart so obviously you're going to feel it more, ain't it? Because you've one slowing it down and there's you trying to work it and it's going, hang on, what's going on here, you know. This has said slow down and you're saying you want more, you know what I mean? So, I explained that to the nurses down there and they says, 'Oh, if you feel uncomfortable just drop that down to the one that you feel comfortable with.' Like again, none of the other tablets, nobody said nothing to me about the other tablets, you know what I mean? And it doesn't seem like they're interested about the other tablets, it's just the beta-blocker and that's it.
It took him some time to realise that surgery wouldn't help his heart failure.
It took him some time to realise that surgery wouldn't help his heart failure.
So you get talking to the patients and then you find out this patient is waiting to go on to go to another hospital to get his angiogram or bypass or whatever, and he's been in 6 times. And that bloke's been waiting 18 months and you know, you start to get a better picture of what actually is going on.
So you know, I come back down to earth then, I says, 'Well, I ain't going to go and have an operation,' because if he's been here 12 times and he's been here 18 months, in and out, and every 5 weeks he gets a phone call, come in we're ready, and he comes in and spends 2 weeks, and I'm sorry you know I'm saying, 'What chance have I got?' I mean I'm just here like, so you know, so I says 'Okay then.'
So I talked to this one nurse and she says, 'Well, that's the way to think about it, have a positive think that the tablets will help you. Do light exercises, do things that will help motivate the heart to get back or to help the arteries open' or what have you. And that's what I've been doing ever since, know what I mean.
His heart failure nurse has booked him in for a course to help him quit smoking.
His heart failure nurse has booked him in for a course to help him quit smoking.
So you're just seeing the nurse?
Yes, you know what I mean.
So you're seeing the nurse every 2 weeks and what does she do when you go and see her?
Normally when I see her, it's blood pressure, weight, height, right, generally ask you about your cholesterols, like for instance with me now, with smoking and what have you and how I'm getting on with it and you know, like I say, I'm booked in for a counselling course and what have you. So you know, she's like the liaison and I think she makes all the notes down. So obviously, I suppose the consultants are seeing the notes so obviously if they see something irregular, obviously they would call you in.
He does stretching exercises and sit-ups now rather than martial arts.
He does stretching exercises and sit-ups now rather than martial arts.
Describes feeling pressurised to join research projects.
Describes feeling pressurised to join research projects.
This was like thee days after I'd first got admitted, all these doctors coming up and asking me to sign and I says, 'No, no, no,' I says, 'Let me have a word with that person there, you know what I mean, because that person's looking after me.' You know what I mean? So I think that needs to be broken. I know they have to do their research but I think there should be a little bit more tactful way of doing it, you know.
His attitude has changed and he no longer worries about the time it takes to do things.
His attitude has changed and he no longer worries about the time it takes to do things.
One time, the first time I came out of hospital I came back longing for a shower. Jumped in the shower - oh I want a bath - set the bath, came downstairs. I'd forgotten that the bath was running! Luckily I got upstairs and it was just starting to just, you know that moment when a little more would have come over' And I went, from then I says no and I'm setting the bath, turn it down low. If you go upstairs 5 times because it hasn't set properly, it's better to have it low than to be overboard, isn't it, you know what I mean? Next thing they're going to say, 'He's incapable of living by himself' or whatever. You know so you've got to think, you've got to think a way different, you know what I mean.
Says he prays and puts himself and his health in God's hands.
Says he prays and puts himself and his health in God's hands.
He missed two days’ worth of medicines when he ran out.
He missed two days’ worth of medicines when he ran out.