Interview HF14

Age at interview: 56
Age at diagnosis: 53
Brief Outline: Quadruple heart bypass 1999. Complications followed surgery. Heart failure diagnosed 2000.
Background: Retired lecturer; married with 2 children.
More about me...
The term 'heart failure' was too general for him to grasp.
The term 'heart failure' was too general for him to grasp.
Describes how smoking affected doctors trying to make a diagnosis.
Describes how smoking affected doctors trying to make a diagnosis.
Either, they couldn't decide whether, it was in the sac between, couldn't decide whether it was between my heart and my lung, and they couldn't decide what sac it was in. So it was a fairly unusual... diagnosis in so much that I was surrounded by young doctors etcetera who listened to it because although they'd read about it, nobody'd heard of it. To me it sounded like bubbling coffee every time I breathed, but to them it sounded like two bits of leather rubbing together. I was hearing a different sound to what they were hearing.
So I had 15 days in hospital with that, came out, went back to work...things seemed to be fine, got to Christmas of '91, and just after Christmas returned to college and was finding that I was extremely breathless. Any time on my feet caused me breathlessness, I had to climb stairs and it became a real hazard to me. I couldn't sleep at night at all, tried everything, tried different positions, ended up sleeping in this chair for several weeks and finally I slept at the dining room table sitting up. Couldn't get any sleep in any respect.
Wife eventually forced me to go to the doctor's. I went to one doctor who said to me I had to realise I did have a problem with my heart, not much you can do about it blah, blah, blah. Came home, spent another several days in distress, decided to go to another doctor in the practice who gave me much the same story as the first one had given me. Sent me home. All this time I was gradually getting worse. We decided to go to the third doctor in the practice who is supposed to be a specialist in heart. Went in, spoke to him, not congenial at all, not sympathetic. Asked if I smoked, I said, 'No, but I do like a cigar occasionally.' told me that was the problem, I had emphysema, I would just have to learn to live with it and gave me a nasal spray.
He has experienced breast enlargement as a side-effect of his drugs.
He has experienced breast enlargement as a side-effect of his drugs.
I thought 'Christ alive! The last thing I want is a pair of tits'! God love a duck!
His by-pass surgery didn't make him feel any better.
His by-pass surgery didn't make him feel any better.
But now although I've learned that I've just got to live with this its not going to get any better. The medicine that I'm on, the treatment with medicine, is not going to cure, it will prevent hopefully, any further damage, or will slow down further damage, it won't cure it, and I'm all right with that, because I could be an awful lot worse off than what I am, and it has been explained to me, by the powers that be, that if it does get worse, what the position is gonna be.
'when the surgeon cut me open he would have said 'What the hell have we got here?', because it must have looked like a bundle of mush! But nobody told me that, nobody..if it was on records its never been explained that I was setting out thinking I'd been almost cured by bypass surgery, only to find it wasn't so.
He usually prefers to go to hospital to see his heart failure nurse.
He usually prefers to go to hospital to see his heart failure nurse.
But he'll come here yes. I had very good treatment at first, not that his treatment has lessened any, but the degree... because I have been controlled, or it seems that my illness has been controlled, I see less of him than I did. I would still like to see more of him, but understandably... the resources don't allow that, because I think he's only one of two and he's got so many patients, that I can only see him when and if.
He feels his heart failure nurse explains things to him in depth.
He feels his heart failure nurse explains things to him in depth.
He doesn't like to call his heart failure nurse at anti-social hours.
He doesn't like to call his heart failure nurse at anti-social hours.
Oh I think there's times that I, I'm..quite passive with my illness, I will accept it and hang on and hold back. And I said I would never never do that but I do realise that... although things seem very bad for me at times, they're not as bad as what I'm assuming. I know that, I realise that they are part of the illness. And I also realise that I've got all the medication I can get for this, so unless its a drastic event or happening or uh, I should be OK. I should get through to the morning, but I know I can always get the emergency service; I have always had that. It would be great to think there was somebody on call, not in their bed sleeping when you phone them, but sitting at a desk or something, who could serve the same purpose. But that's too much to expect because you can't get a doctor never mind get a specialist.
He very much regrets not being able to produce shows anymore.
He very much regrets not being able to produce shows anymore.
I go out with people, I don't go by myself. And cheap seats are no use anymore because they're top of the house and I can't get upstairs and the theatres don't have lifts. So... but I love the theatre - I was at the theatre last night - be it a community theatre or a wee small town hall, I like the theatre but that's the only real pleasure I've got.
And there's no drive, I mean I have sent away for libs, I still read shows, but that's just to pass my time, I can't do anything with it, whereas if I was doing a show I was always planning, there was lighting, there was costumes, there was sets, it takes up a lot of time, too much of my time in the past I don't know. But it, there's a hole, there's a big hole there that I can't fill at this moment, I can't get myself motivated nor am I allowed to do anything so that's, its crazy.