Interview HF11

Age at interview: 80
Age at diagnosis: 75
Brief Outline: Angina began in 1992. Replacement aorta 1994. 1998/9 heart failure diagnosed. Has had asthma and arthritis for many years.
Background: Retired car service stores worker; widowed with 1 child.
More about me...
He reflects on his childhood eating and smoking habits.
He reflects on his childhood eating and smoking habits.
What about smoking and drinking?
Oh I smoked from about 12, I started having little puffs about 12 and then let's see..'56, 1960, I was coughing up and that all day long and that all smoking about 30-odd fags a day!
Describes his daily diet and says he likes to have something alcoholic to help him sleep.
Describes his daily diet and says he likes to have something alcoholic to help him sleep.
And then in the afternoon, if I have more than one glass I usually end up there for an hour! There you are, snoring! And then I've nothing else to eat at all until nine o'clock at night. And I have a friend I go to visit, and I usually have either three or four crispbreads with cheese or bully beef or something on, and a couple of snifters of brandy - medicine - and I usually come home about ten o'clock and, sometimes I get a call out in the kitchen, for the bottle and have another one before I go to bed. I'm a naughty boy really, but, well, what else is there at 80 years old! [laughs] Well you've got no other enjoyment!
But I don't drink beer now hardly - but I prefer a little snifter, a smaller glass. And apart from that I'm fairly happy.