Interview HF09

Age at interview: 81
Brief Outline: 1976 heart attack. Heart bypass 1992. Pacemaker 1997 (replaced 2000). Uncertain when heart failure diagnosed.
Background: Retired gauge inspector; married with 1 child.
More about me...
He was diagnosed with a tired heart and explains some of the difficulties he has had since.
He was diagnosed with a tired heart and explains some of the difficulties he has had since.
Anyway, he put that in and from that time on things started to pick up. So whatever... the idea he had, they put in a new type in or something like that, and it seemed to have a good effect, you know, and we haven't been all that bad since. But, my main troubles now is the pills I'm taking, I suffer with very low blood pressure, always have done, and so the pills they gave me was to try and look after my heart. Well then I started coughing, coughing like mad and nearly choking sometimes, and went down there and they sent me away, and' oh no, first of all they said it was fluid on the lungs. So they gave me water tablets, to clear the fluid on the lungs. This didn't do' well it started to do' something, but then everything else went wrong, you know.
So I went back down and see him and he said, 'No, we got the tablets all wrong. We'll have to rearrange them'. Because what with my heart and my, whatsit on the lungs, the tablets I was taking for my heart interfered with the tablets I was taking for my lungs. Well then they said they'd got to find a balance between the two, and that's what we've been doing. Now I think they've come to the final stages where I don't think they can do much more now. But my coughing is starting up again and that's' why I've got to go down and see the doctor. He put me on antibiotics before which done quite a lot, so whether he'll put me back on them or not, I don't know.
He experienced bad sunburn because of one of his drugs.
He experienced bad sunburn because of one of his drugs.
He says that being able to drive and get out of the house is very important.
He says that being able to drive and get out of the house is very important.
It is, because it's virtually the only way we've got to go out anywhere. I can go and see other things and we can enjoy ourselves driving, you know. To sit indoors all day long, I just can't do it. I don't want to. Even in the morning there, if it's raining, I still go out for my walk if I can. But when we go out, if we go to [place]... we go to [place], go in the Park and Ride and then it's not a fast walk round, it's a slow walk round. You know, we get round alright, I don't' we don't spend all that amount of time in there, but if it does get a bit bad I've said to [wife] sometimes you know, I've got to have a little blow here, just for a little while. That's it.
Says that he tries to control his weight by eating mainly salad and fish.
Says that he tries to control his weight by eating mainly salad and fish.
Says that his wife reminds him to take his medication every day.
Says that his wife reminds him to take his medication every day.
I'll just give them to you. What' where did I' what did I do with them?
Can you read them out for me?
I can't pronounce them! [looks down to read] Aspirin 75ml, one a day, Amiodarone, 200mg, one a day, Frusemide 40mg, one a day, and Frusemide, 20mg, one a day - they've built that up a bit - [phew.] can't pronounce that [pause] or something, potassium 25' I don't know what that is, and Formax. Formax is... I used to take that once a week, and that's because, I had a fall and damaged my bones, but that's just for bones, kind of' strengthening up my bones. But this other one I can't even read it. [tries to read it]
Don't worry.
Sprino' no' no. lactin.
So how many tablets is that a day, that you have to remember to take?
...[counts] one, two three' five a day, but I do take cod liver oil and these capsules, you know, but the ones I take, medicine, is five, innit? Six. [refers to wife] What's the sixth? Three in the morning, two at dinner time'
Don't worry.
Thought it was five.
I think your wife's saying to you, have you counted the aspirin in with that lot?
Yeah I said aspirin.
How do you remember to take them?
I don't, my wife does.