Pam - Interview 17

Pam was diagnosed with DCIS in 2005, aged 53. Her mother had also had DCIS and, because of this, Pam had already heard and read about it. Pam had a wide local excision and radiotherapy, and is taking tamoxifen for five years.
Pam is married and works voluntarily for a charity. Ethnic background / nationality' White British
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Pam’s mother was diagnosed with DCIS when she was 83 but, after a wide local excision, doctors found that it had actually been invasive breast cancer. She then had a mastectomy. Because of her mother’s experience, Pam had already heard of DCIS and had looked for information about it when she was about 48 years old.
At 53, Pam had another routine mammogram and, again, was recalled. After tests, she was diagnosed with high grade DCIS. She felt shocked and angry and thought that, like her mother, she would have to have a mastectomy, and was extremely anxious about losing her breast. She was reassured by her doctor that she would not, and had a wide local excision followed by three weeks of radiotherapy. Pam was also prescribed tamoxifen for five years.
Pam was interviewed for the Healthtalkonline website in 2008.
Information helped Pam cope better. She read as much as she could and also found the monthly phone calls from the breast care nurse helpful.
Information helped Pam cope better. She read as much as she could and also found the monthly phone calls from the breast care nurse helpful.
Pam's biopsy was delayed because she wanted to see a doctor privately that she had been treated by before but he was away.
Pam's biopsy was delayed because she wanted to see a doctor privately that she had been treated by before but he was away.