Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS)

Hormone therapy for DCIS

Hormonal therapies are commonly prescribed in women with invasive breast cancer because they reduce the risk of breast cancer coming back. Hormonal therapies are only effective in women whose cancer cells have receptors for oestrogen on their surface. This is known as being oestrogen-receptor positive (ER positive).

DCIS can have oestrogen receptors in its cells and tamoxifen may be suggested as a possible treatment. But because doctors don’t know enough about the benefits of hormonal therapies in DCIS, they are only usually given in a research trial. While hormonal therapy can reduce the risk of DCIS coming back, the benefits may not be worth the side effects (Macmillan Cancer Support 2024).

Experiences of 'Hormone Therapy' can be found in the Breast Cancer section of our site.

Last reviewed: January 2025.
Last updated: January 2025.

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